Chapter 2

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TW: Sexual Assault
A warning will be given WAY AHEAD


I knew she was gonna be my assistant whether she wanted to or not. She was gonna be with me at ALL times anyway. After college we all split, us going to LA and her staying in New York. I'm sitting in the living room laying on the couch with two of our fur babies in my lap. Jorden is about to leave to go to the studio to lay some of his songs out. As I wait patiently for our girl, Nicki to come assist me... as her job states.

The doorbell on the front door rings and I get excited knowing that it's Nicki. I jump up to open the door and it's not Nicki. I roll my eyes and walk away from my best friend Kellon.

"Well good morning to you too Bitch" he says closing the door behind him

"Ugh Good morning Bestie! I just thought you were Nicki"
"Nicki!? I haven't seen her in what... five years..... Girl don't tell me she agreed to this fake ass job you made up"

I smirk cause he knows the real reason behind it. Behind this whole needing a personal assistant, and I know it's gonna work out for us.

"Yes.. And! Watch it's going to work. I know it will"

Before he can respond there's a knock at the door, and I know it's my baby girl now. I get up opening it and there she stands. Looking delicious... as always.

"Hey boo!" I say opening my arms for her and of course she steps in hugging me

"How was the drive here?" I say as I walk in front of her guiding us back to the living room. But I don't get an answer. I stop just before walking into the living room turning around to face her raising my eyebrows.

"I asked you a question.. I expect an answer"
"I...I... I don't have a car anymore" she says looking everywhere but at me

"So how did you get here?"
"I took the bus"

"Nicki ain't no bus around here... so how did you get here?" I ask feeling my anger boil

"I swear... I took the bus then I walked the rest of the way here" she says looking me in my eyes

Taking a deep breath,"why didn't you tell me? I would've had my driver come get you. Well for now on my driver will be picking you up"

"N-No Mega-" she starts but quickly stops when she sees the look I give her.

"What I say goes, and that's final. Okay?"

"Good now come in and see Kellon. I know you haven't seen him for as long as you seen us"

"Nicki!!" Kellon yells grabbing her into a tight hug. I watch as they talk interacting with each other.

"Alright y'all I'm out. Imma see you baby when I get back" Jorden says as he enters into the living room, about to head out

First giving me a kiss then giving both Nicki and Kellon hugs. I watch as Jorden places his hands dangerously low on Nicki's back. Making me smirk, testing the waters already.

Once he leaves Kellon starts on my hair, as Nicki takes out a book asking me if I need anything. Saying no at first but then I think of having her walk my dogs to give me and Kellon some time to brainstorm on the next steps for today. I wait for the front door to close before I start talking but of course Kellon beats me to it.

"You know I love you Meg, but do you really think playing Nicki is the way to go? Like why not be upfront with her. We all went to school together and she's harmless, she might even agree to it. I just don't like it at all"

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