Chapter 14

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I gotta find her, I tell myself and start to run around the house... again.

I hit her. More like punched her. Her words gosh what she said hurt. It hurt so bad to hear her say.

I've done ran all over this house asking every maid if they seen her, saying no while looking at the floor. I know they seen her and are just trying to protect her, but she doesn't need protecting... she has me... us.

I go to the backyard still not finding her. I continue to walk through the little garden the kids started, and looking up I see her laying on her back in the grass. It's easy to miss her when she's surrounded by roses that are starting to sprout. I watch as she twirls a white one in her hand which happens to be the only one out of them all. As I look at her I realize how I really have to get my shit together.

I slowly walk up to her trying not to startle her. I sit down to the right of her and watch as she stiffens. We sit in silence for a little bit till I break it, mumbling out "I'm sorry". Getting no answer in return we sit back in silence again. Till she sits up with the white rose still in her hand that she pulled from the ground.

"Why you here?"

"................ did you know that a white rose symbolizes purity, loyalty, and innocence..?" she mumbles

"No I didn't"

"did you know that a red rose symbolizes love, beauty, romance and courage?"
"No" I say scrunching my face up

"In the midst of all this beauty, only one is pure.... No matter how beautiful you are Megan, your heart will never be pure. It's just evil" she says standing up as the white flower falls to the ground

Damn, is all I can say. I know I've had my faults but that- that hurt. I just listen to the way her feet brushes pass the grass. I can't even move... I just sit and pounder on what she said... Am I really evil?


Megan has been doing a great job of not bothering me. We only talk if it's about the twins or our new bundle. That'll be here in 6 more months, and I honestly can't wait. I'm hoping for a boy, but I'm happy with whatever they are.

Today I'm going out to eat with Normani. With Megan at the studio, Jorden and the twins still in the bed sleep I get up and take a shower. I get out feeling like I'm being watched and that I am. Lifting my head up I'm faced with a tear stained faced Megan.

"Um.. Um.. I'm sorry... I didn't even realize you were in here." she says and turns to walk out
"Megan, what's wrong?"

"Nothing... It's nothing" she mumbles and continues to walk out

I rush and quickly dry myself off to follow her. Just because we're not talking doesn't mean I don't care. I still care for her. I take one step out the tub and I feel myself falling. I scream landing on my left side. As I slowly sit up with my hand under my belly.

"Nicki! Are you okay!! What happened!" she shouts kneeling in front of me grabbing my face

"I-I fell.. I was rushing.. OW! .... trying to get to you"
"Oh Pooh.."

"Ow..." I say feeling the pain increase
"what hurts?"

I can't even answer her I feel pain all over especially in my belly. I slowly remove my hand from under my belly feeling wet.

"P-Pooh... we gotta get you to the hospital!" she yells quickly and calls for Jorden to come

As she pulls out her phone calling someone. Who I don't know, all I'm focus on is the blood that is flowing from me. I look down seeing blood smear on both my thighs and some on the floor, making me panic.

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