Chapter 9

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I lay in bed staring at the ceiling, my secret will be revealed messing up everything for me. All thanks to this damn baby. Ugh, I just had to go out that night and meet that guy. I just had to!! Now I gotta pay the price...especially when they had us do this DNA test. Ugh, they're gonna kill me when they find out and I know it.

But as I stare at the ceiling, a wonderful plan comes to mind. A wonderful terrible awful idea. I smile thinking of what I'm going to do. And now with my mind at peace knowing what my next steps will be, I easily fall asleep.

I wake up early and rush out the door so I can head to the doctor we went to. With my hood tight around my head and thirty thousand dollars in a bag, I wait to be seen.

"Well hello again, I was informed that you wanted to speak to me personally"

"Yes...I have a offer for you, that I think you'll be interested in"

"Oh really? " She ask sitting back in her chair as I smirk

"I need those results to be switched"
"Switched? in switching you and Ms. Minaj results...........why might I ask?"

"Well I just know how the results will go and I need them switched"

"Well I'm not doing anything for free" she says folding her arms

"Of course. Thirty thousand in cash" I say sitting the bag on the table in front of her

She sits up a bit and looks down at the bag. "I think you can do better....I want a hundred thousand"

A hundred thousand!! Fuck! I- I don't even have 80 thousand in my account. Quickly calming my inner thoughts, I agree.

"Alright....Well as you must know, I'm not as poppin as I was, so I can give you the thirty now and have the rest later"

"How later? I need my money upfront or your secret is out....Miss Miami" she says smirking

Now this is why I can't stand being famous, using my alter ego that I portray to the public. And being that I haven't been making music cause I expected Jorden and Megan to take care of me... now I gotta think of something.. I gotta get this money some how.

"I will have it to you"
"When?? The results will be ready tomorrow... I'mma need the money tomorrow morning exactly"

"And I'll have it to you! Just let me get to you first before you give the results"

"Okay I'll give you that"
"Thank you" I say standing up


As I walk out I think of my next steps and looking down at my instagram I see a reporter asking Drake how does he feel knowing that Nicki is pregnant. He keeps it mutual but I know he likes Nicki, and I'mma make his dream come true.

Using my connections I get Drake's number and seen my famous text... working my magic. And luckily it does, I guess the seriousness of my text got him to call me.

Yo Miami... u-ugh you serious

Dead ass....just help me, and I'll help you. I know you like Nicki, so I can help get y'all together. Just send me eighty thousand and we good

You serious about this... like you really trying to separate them

YES!! you want her just like I want them and if we can separate them....we'll both be happy

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