Chapter 19

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Sitting at the kitchen table I read the newspaper, month 2 and of course his name isn't plastered on it anymore. That died down quickly. No one is looking for a missing black man, they don't care. To them, the world, the government they're happy; moving on and so am I.

"Morning baby" I say to Nicki as she enters into the kitchen with her belly poking in her shirt

"Good morning" she says doing a little stretch
I watch her taking notice of the pants she's wearing. Me I love to see that ass of hers in them tight jeans, but not when we have a child she's carrying. They need all the room they can get to grow.

"Don't you think it's time to start wearing dresses and to stop wearing pants; you're smothering the baby in them things"

"Oh My belly is not poked out that much that I can't wear pants. Plus I'll have you know these are maternity pants so they have a stretch to them"

"Okay...I get that. But why does it seem like you wanna hide the baby. Like hide our whole marriage; us"

"Whoa where is this coming from? Hide our marriage how? Everyone knows I'm married to you two and that nothing changes. So I'm confused on what you're saying"

"I'm saying; that I love you and that I need to shut the hell up sometimes. Just something that I was thinking about got my mind spiraling into unnecessary shit"

"Okay well please don't go thinking like that okay?"
"Okay Nicki. I'm sorry babe"
"It's okay...let me get outta here for work"

I watch her pack up and leave for work. And I shake my head thinking about what I said to her. She's not her. She's not...she's not Victoria.


"Jorden....Jorden you fell asleep on the couch again" I hear making me sit up from the couch

"Whoa...what are you doing here? Y-You're you're d-" I start to ask shock to see Victoria standing in front of me
"Dead. I am. And you put me here. Me and our child!" She shouts holding her stomach
"Shut up Victoria"
"You and Megan thought y'all could get rid of me; but you can' could never get rid of me"

Victoria says standing in front of me as she's dressed in the sweatsuit we last seen her's stained red in her chest still with the knife Megan stabbed her at.

She smiles and blood seeps out through the corner of her lips.
"Your time is up"


"Jorden. Jorden...wake up baby. What's wrong?" I hear making me jump up from where I was

I come face to face with Megan as she looks down concerned at me.
"She's coming for us"
"Victoria. Victoria, she's coming for us"
"Babe, she's been dead for what like ten years. How's she coming back?" She ask laughing

"She came to me. Just right now saying our time is up...what else could that mean? We buried that nigga on top of her. Meg-"

"I need you to chill babe. All is well, there's nothing to worry about. They both got what they deserved and that's final. Don't overthink it"

I nod my head listening but for some reason it don't feel right. Nothing feels right.


"A girl! We're having a girl!" Megan shouts on the phone as we're back in the car from the doctor

I look in the rear view mirror seeing Nicki look down at the ultrasound pictures. She looks up smiling at me making me smile. Our family is complete.

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