Chapter 8

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We've been looking for Nicki everywhere and I'm even more worried because she's pregnant, with our babies. I need to know she's safe, I need to know.

Caresha, this girl is trouble and she knows it, and she needs to go. She's no longer needed, our wife is pregnant with our children. The only children we need and accept.

But we need to find her... NOW.

As I sip my tea, hear screaming and it's Megan as she runs into me.

"She texted us!!"

"She texted us!?!, look she sent us the ultrasound picture....oh my gosh, A and baby B" She says excitedly

We hug as we admire the picture, seeing that it was the same ones that were on the floor and damaged by the wine that spilled.

"Why are y'all so happy?" Caresha ask messing up our joy

"We got to see the ultrasound for the twins!! Finally!!" Megan says happily

"Well I guess that's nice... but y'all can't forget about our baby. SHE comes first!" Caresha says then turns walking out the room

Megan rolls her eyes as I shake my head. "We need a DNA test"

"Really Meg? We slept with her....that's for sure our baby"

"But whose to say we're the only ones she slept with?"

I look at Meg staying quiet knowing she has a point, "okay fine to make it fair we test all the kids"

"Sounds good to me, so even while they're pregnant we can do the testing. I'mma call Nicki and ask her, and you go tell that damn devil upstairs" she says patting my shoulder running out

I slowly walk upstairs to Caresha's room hearing her talking so I lean on the wall listening.

Girl can you believe they're still hung over Nicki

Really? Why? She's nothing!! Oh my gosh, they need to stop playing, and just get with you you're the best thing for them.... W-Wait, did you tell them

Bitch of course not! And I won't!! I don't need them throwing me out on the street. Who the fuck I look like, HAHA

I listen for a bit longer as my anger starts to boil over. I take a deep breath and walk in surprising her

"H-Hey I-"
"No need....just telling you that we're getting all the kids tested next week to make sure they're mine. I think it'll help balance our whole situation..... better. Now you can go back to your convo" I say smirking at her shocked face

"Bitch....what the fuck" Her friend says while still on speaker

I walk out to go find Megan and she's in our room on the phone.

I'm not saying they're not ours! I know they are...we just want to prove and show it off in Caresha face

No.. No you're not some trophy to show off. We love you Nicki!! We just- just want to prove it.

I finally hear Nicki on the other end, Fine! Fine I'll take the damn test. Just tell me when and where


We couldn't wait and wanted to immediately get these test done. I watch everyone as we wait to be seen, it's bad enough we got the paparazzi seeing us, so I can only imagine what is being said online as we're waiting. I look between all the women with me first at Nicki as she sits patiently softly rubbing her stomach from time to time. Next Megan as she looks through her phone, leaning over I see she's reading a book... what to expect when you're expecting. I know my baby is super excited to be a mom. Then Caresha, as she text super fast on her phone. Making me wonder who she's talking to.

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