Chapter 4

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We leave the restaurant making it to the casino.

"Here" Megan says with a handful of money in her hand

I just stare at her, she roll her eyes saying it's to play. "B-But I have my own-"

"Save it. It's no good when you're with us" she continues shoving the money into my hand

I quickly thank her then look around the large room knowing exactly where I want to go.

"Don't go too far... I need to see you at all times.. Hear me?" Jorden says to me making me nod my head then skip off to the dollar slot machines

I sit in front of the first machine I see and I guess it was a hot seat cause I kept winning every time. I sat here for so long that I ran it up to $5,000. Fucking crazy. I can put that towards my own payment for my mom's hospice stay. I look around trying to spot Megan or Jorden but I don't see either of them.

After getting help to cash out all my money, I go to the gift shop right across to quickly get a bag that can hold all of the money I earned and the money Meg gave me. I go back to the casino side still not seeing no sign of them. This is just like the Grammys all over again. So what am I going to do..go right to the bar.

"Can I get a lemon drop please?" I ask the bartender

As I drink my third lemon drop, still no sign of them. Now this is the shit I'm talking about. They get on me but they do this disappearing shit on me.. twice now.

"Now what is a beautiful woman like you doing here... all alone?" I hear and its the bartender

I roll my eyes remembering how the same thing happened to me at the Grammys, it's like deja vu all over again.

"I'm waiting for someone"

"You mean two people.... Pardi and Megan. Yeah I recognized y'all when y'all first came in"

"Oh Okay" I say ready to dead the conversation

"Don't worry they just getting something together" he says smirking

"And how would you know?" I ask questioning him

"Hmm I guess I wouldn't right?... here's your other lemon drop" he says putting my new one up

I happily take it smiling and thank him. He gets a call behind the counter answering it, turning to me he says they're ready for you.

"WHO!?" I ask

"Your loves...he'll take you" he says smirking and pointing to someone behind me

I look and it's a big guy like a security guard, I turn back around to question him but he nods his head telling me to finish my drink. And being the obedient one I am I down my whole drink and jump off the bar stool to follow the guy.

Knowing damn well I shouldn't.

As we walk pass all the slot machines I start to feel hot... then to feel slightly dizzy. I lean on the wall to my left really quickly then continue to walk after the guard.

"W-Wait Wait...I- I need a minute" I say to the guard

He turns seeing me leaning on the wall and he sort of smirks at me, picking me up and carrying me the rest of the way. I zone in and out making sure I stay up, I can not. NO I WILL not get kidnapped or murdered here. I refuse. We continue walking till we get to a wooden door, pushing it open he opens it to a nice look room that's decorated in lilac and purple. I'm so busy admiring the room that I don't realize that Megan and Jorden are here. Soon as I see them I get happy jumping from the guys arms and into Megan's boobs. Literally falling into them. She chuckles helping me stand straight.

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