Chapter 12

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I know it's been a LONG LONG time for this to come but I had the worse writers block. But I made sure to write y'all a good long chapter to make up for it. So y'all enjoy 😘


"Nicki! Nicki!" I hear as I'm in the bathroom

I ran to the bathroom as fast as I could to avoid getting hit. I knew if I come out they'll hit me, they're already mad at me so I know they'll do anything.

"Nicki, come out baby. We're not gonna hurt you" I hear Jorden say

I whine not believing him, I already know they'll lie. They always do. Knocking me out of my thoughts I hear the clicking of a lock, then the door opening. Oh no.

I scurry into the tub as I see Megan come inside then Jorden. She walks near me and Jorden closes the door.
"Nicki....I'm sorry baby. I don't want you to fear me and think I'm going to hit you. After not having you for all this time, I worked on my anger; and I would never put my hands on you ever again. I'm so sorry, can you forgive me?"

I look up at her trying to find the right ones. I believe her but I also don't. But in her eyes I see nothing but genuine love. So I do what my heart tells me to do. Forgive her.


Looking at myself in the mirror giving myself a pep talk. I started to do that and it has helped me in knowing my worth and who I am as a person. Well I hope so.

"Yes!" I shout back not moving
But I just continue to hear my name get called. Frustrated that I gotta freaking go down all them stairs just to see what's wrong.

"What!!" I say when I'm in front on Megan as Kellon is curling her hair as she's holding Bronx in her arms. They both look up at me with a who you talking to look. But I just look back.

"Take that bass out your throat when you're talking to me" Megan says and I roll my eyes

If we're supposed to be living like we're married then I should be able to have an attitude if I want. I don't have to compromise for her.

"What did you call me for Megan, I was busy" I say folding my arms

Kellon stops curling her hair and she stands up handing Bronx to him then walks towards me.

"Meg" her stylist calls out to her as if it's a warning but she continues to walk to me slightly scaring me

"I called you... so you could be a damn mother and get our son who was tired. Now if you wasn't having such a damn attitude and being all in the fucking mirror all the time maybe you would be a good mother" she says staring down at me

"I am a good mother" I mutter back feeling tears in my eyes
"Oh really? Says the one that took her kids away from their other parents"

"Oh gosh Megan are you gonna keep holding that over my head?! Like okay yes I ran away and you didn't see the kids for three years. I'm sorry!! But you hit me and I was not taking ANY chances" I say not caring anymore

Everyone looks at us and I don't even care anymore. If she's going to throw that I took the kids everytime in my face than I will throw what her and Jorden have done to me in hers. She's stares at me like she's thinking then the next she grabs my arms pulling me into the kitchen.

With her finger pointed in my face she says, "I'm trying really hard not to smack the shit out of you. Know your place and who you're talking to. Cause if I have to remind you again, you gonna wish we never found you in Sweden"

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