Chapter 17

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Today is our appointment to check on the baby; baby's first appointment! I'm excited cause I have a baby growing in me but also cause I'm making my wife happy. And a happy wife makes a happy life so let's aim to keep it like that.

But first is work. As I sit at my desk that familiar nausea hits me and I try to hold it down well atleast keep it together before I puke all over my desk. I stand up but feel a hand on my shoulder omaking me sit back down. Looking up its Ramel....again. He's been bothering me all the time now and today makes the fifth time he's been at my desk.

"Where you running off to?" He ask
"I need to use the bathroom so excuse me" I say trying to move around him but he moves blocking my way

"Why? You've been moody and been using the bathroom more. What's going on?"
"Can I freaking live. Why are you stalking me or something?" I semi shout frustratedly at him
"Damn Nicki, I'm sorry for being a concerned friend and co worker. I'll leave you alone" he says walking away from me

"I...shit. I'm sorry" I mumble as he continues to walk away

Before I can beat myself up I feel that feeling again and race towards the bathroom as fast as I can.

"What's wrong babe? You've been moping since you came home. Did someone do something at work? Cause you know-"

"You know I will fuck that person up who messed with you" Megan says cutting Jorden off

"Guys I'm good...I-I just feel bad. I kinda yelled at Ramel today"
"I was going to the bathroom and he stopped me questioning me and I yelled at him cause I had to throw up...and yeah I feel so bad cause he didn't deserve that"

"One he was up in yo face questioning you like he yo man. So he deserve everything he gets. Including this ass whooping imma give him" Jorden says angrily

"Jorden please no. I don't need no-"
"No! No! Nicki he trying to talk to you. Are you out of your mind! Like how the hell you don't see that!?" Megan shouts

I go to speak but Jorden bangs on the table scaring the twins and myself.
"I need a moment" he says getting up and leaving

Megan follows after him leaving the twins and I. I look at them as they're already looking at me; not knowing what to say. I say the dumbest thing ever.

"Daddy is just a little upset at something. He's not mad at y'all"
"Him and Mama. They're back to being meanies again?" Bronx ask
"No. No Bronx. They're just upset about one of my co workers. I was being a meanie to my co worker and they think it is fine, but no it is never okay to be mean to anyone. Right?"

"Okay now let's finish eating cause you two have a big day ahead"


With 2 Starbucks drinks in my hand I walk into the office with a purpose to find Ramel. I automatically go straight towards his desk and am so grateful when I find him there. Reading the newspaper.

"Ramel... I-"
"Good morning don't have to say anything I got it"
"No Ramel you don't understand. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have came at you like that. It's just that; all my life someone or people have questioned me about any and everything I do. And when you was asking me if I was okay, it brought me back to that and I'm sorry I snapped at you"

"It's okay Nicki. It's okay, I understand"
"Okay good. I brought a little peace offering"
"Now you know; if it ain't caramel ribbon crunch with extra caramel drizzle I don't want it" he says making us both laugh as I hand him the drink

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