Chapter 21

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I look down at the twins as they sleep. Innocent. Oblivious to the crazy shit of parents they have; well half of their parents. I can't believe I left and brought them to this hell; I ran from. What I wanted to protect them from...

I feel someone behind me, which disgust me. I don't wanna see either of them.

"You still mad?" I hear making me scoff at that question

"Come on Nicki; you know we love you"
"Do I?...cause y'all don't show it. Just continue to hurt me"
"It's not like we did it on purpose but we had to be sure that you wasn't playing us"

"I'm sorry Nicki, we gonna make it right. We gonna make it right..."


I get up early but not early enough to anyone else since everyone is up. Up watching the news as they talk about raiding our house. I watch from the stairs as the living room of this mansion were in is packed with people. Some I do know and some I don't. But all I know is that they all work for Jorden and Megan.

Being that no one notices me I look for the twins finding them in the kitchen eating. I give both of them a kiss as they happily eat their pancakes and watch SpongeBob. I look out to the living room still seeing everyone preoccupied, so I take it upon myself to explore. Explore this new house we're in.

Turning left there's nothing but doors, and I go through them one by one. The first one being an empty room; nothing in here. But what's questionable is the plastic covered floors and walls; as if to easy catch and clean. I leave out closing the door the way I found it and go into the one next to it. Slowly opening it I find stairs....okay.

I look back down the hall as I hear some noise but it's just them talking and laughing. Looking back down at the stairs I contemplate if I should go. Cause if I go, I know I'm gonna find something I shouldn't; but I need to know who am I living with.

Slowly going down the stairs making sure I don't fall I look and instantly cover my mouth with what I see.
Guns. Guns everywhere; in cases on the walls, on the tables. This whole basement is like a gun shop. I spot papers scattered on one of the tables and quickly go to it. And I honestly wish I didn't.

A gang. They run a gang. Trafficking guns which explains this whole basement of it. Trying to take deep breaths I realize that I don't know Jorden or Megan at all; like I thought I did. I've been sleeping with strangers...

I try to compose myself as I make my way up the stairs, with one last deep breath I twist the knot turning the door open and there's Megan standing right there. Not knowing what to say I stare at her completely lost for words.

"Found what you was looking for?" She says giving me a evilish grin

Not saying anything I just look at her.
"I asked you a question Nicki and I want an answer"
"No? Then why were you snooping? You had to be looking for something"

"I-I was just looking around"
"Looking around...and it happened to be in here"
"W-Why do y'all have so many guns?"

"I'm gonna tell you a secret baby...but you're in our stash house....this where we really make the money. The money that takes you on trips, put food in your belly and clothes on your back. So don't ever, ever question what we do"

"I'm sorry"
"Are you?"
"I am, I'm sorry...."

She takes a deep breath while covering her eyes as she looks to be trying to calm herself down. Not trying to make it worse I keep apologizing, and I reach out to touch her.

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