Thank you!

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So...17.1k?! I am genuinely appalled at the love my book has been getting like seriously I love yall so much. I know updates have been getting slower because of work and other stuff but I swear I'll try and get back on schedule as soon as possible.

When I started this book I had no clue, like seriously This is my first book so I didn't know the basics. I have been on Wattpad for approx., Two years now, during those two years if somebody told me I wrote fanfic and people would love it I would have laughed and shrugged it off. Seriously you guys don't know how much thankful I am up till now for all the support and love I have been getting.

Hell, when I go and read back some of my chapters I physically cringe and want to sometimes take my eyeball out so I don't know how tf did you all read through that without dropping the book. I know this book isn't aesthetic and eye-pleasing and trust me I tried but I just couldn't. I wanted to stick to a simple format with okayish writing🤡💀

Seeing the commenters on my book engage and laugh at the little References and silly little stuff makes me overwhelmed in a good way, making me want to write more and more to make anyone happy who even finds the smallest joy in reading my fanfic.

Wattpad used and is still going to be my safe space where I can run from my reality and problems and become delusional and do silly things with great people like you all. 

Again, I don't know how to thank you all for the support properly so I decided to write this little note. Also New chap this week (maybe), Trust🔥🔥🔥💯💯

See you pookies<33

Author out-

⁕FEMALE EGOITISTS⁕~⁌⁋ Blue lock x F!Reader¶⁍Where stories live. Discover now