Chapter 5

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-3rd POV-

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-3rd POV-

" in the rough."

ego appeared on the screen, signaling the over of the selection process. The man adjusted his glasses as he looked at everyone in the room. it felt like he was evaluating you each second he kept his gaze on you.

"for those who were the last 'it' can fuck off. you all showed me that you are unworthy of being here and even participating in the project. also don't think just because you are girls I will treat any of you guys differently. keep in mind that the Blue Lock Boys project has started and the results are overwhelming. hoping to see the same result here as well." Ego finished, warning us in the same way and challenging us. "For the losers, they can pack up their belongings and leave" 

"wait! You can't do this to me?! I'm a treasure of female football and what's the point of tag? it isn't even related to soccer! all of this is stupid! you seriously these monkeys are better than me?!" Aina lashed out, she couldn't process anything right now. her? A shining future for female football? her career has just started and it's already...finished? no! That isn't possible!

"Huh? But weren't you the one who was arguing with me on the opening day? if I remember said that all girl's talents were equal." Isn't that right..adachi Aina" Ego stated, shocking the girl

"Yeah, I said that..." Aina lowered her head, "so what?! still, I'm better than everyone here. I deserve to be here! I made my name on the soccer field! you can just throw me away!" Aina shouted, shocking everyone in the room. 

"wow... that's cocky, she was defeated by us and now she's calling us nothing? not our fault you suck" Misa stated annoyed by the shouting girl. the other girl looked at Aina in either disgust or shock because of her sudden change in attitude.

"That's where you're wrong, the time given which-" At this point, all the screaming and the shouting died down to your ears, You didn't care if Aina was going to be expelled or whatever. what you cared about was what you just did. you just ruined someone's career, Well You couldn't care less about it but you cared about how you did it. it was like something grabbed onto you. telling you to follow your ego, to become the best. it was a new feeling. never have you tried to or cared about how things play out but this time you wanted to know more.

 others watched as Aina picked up her belongings and left, Her face was red with anger and soaked with tears. you couldn't help but grin for some reason before returning to the same expression you held.

"Now for those who are relieved that they survived today, you feel victories so etch that into your brain. Every time you taste that pleasant sensation, your ego grows. and that will evaluate you to the height of the world's greatest striker....."

ego then continued, and gave us the verdict that we all have been waiting for,

"Congratulations diamonds in the brought, You all have successfully passed the admission exam for the blue lock dorm"

ego said with a bored but amused tone as his gaze fixated on you before disappearing from the screen. "[lastname][name] huh, let's see what this one does.."

Everyone cheered for qualifying and making their way into the blue lock. you looked behind you and saw the same blue-haired girl that performed that amazing backflip sitting in the corner of the room. she looked like she didn't want to be here.

"Hey, you good? " you asked sitting beside the girl as Misa was chatting with the rest of your teammates. the blue-haired girl gave you a nod for a reply before hugging her knees "She's probably the silent type" you thought before getting up and deciding not to annoy the girl, she looked like she was getting uncomfortable either way.


the first two days we practically did nothing but then Voldermort woke us up and told us off, saying how useless we were to break our confidence and then telling us to get our ass up and go to the training room, so here we are...

you thought while recapping the last two days, you were running beside Misa on the treadmill, who looked perfect like always, Meanwhile, you looked like you were going to die of exhaustion. tons of beads of sweat were running down from your forehead. you swore some sweat even went in your mouth. stopping the treadmill you fell on your knees on the ground. you took a sip from your water bottle and decided to observe what the others were doing.

some were doing normal stretching. this girl who looked like she had some bad anger issues was doing pull-ups. that Airi girl was just sitting with another girl and talking and the blue-haired girl was doing some leg exercises and the other girls were doing god knows what. you weren't bothered to check anyways. the one girl you couldn't see where Abiko was.

You decided to look for her, you took your towel and bottle and headed out to the second training room where weights were kept, you stepped in as the automatic gates opened. you spotted Abiko doing some deadlifting.

"Hey Abiko-san, woah you could lift so time I tried to lift I wasn't able to move my hand for a week after that," you said feeling slightly embarrassed to admit that while Abiko kept the weights back to its place and lightly chuckled at your statement.

"Don't worry, that happened to me as well when I tried out weights for the first time, but I kept pushing and trained daily, well I do have two older brothers who kept me sane throughout the days" Abiko let out a sigh, and smiled at you, seeing abiko determination also made you motivated, so you decided to deadlift as well.

"Hey [lastame] that's going to be too much for you-" Abiko stopped as the weights suddenly fell out from your hands and right on your foot causing you to yelp in pain.

after that Abiko carried you to the infirmary with Misa tagging behind you both.


I know I know short chapter but exams are going on so you guys have to wait for the long ones!!

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