Chapter 24

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 YOU LOOKED AT THE light blue-haired female standing in front of you. She side-eyed you before discussing with her team. The team had decided earlier on everyone's spot so there was no point in discussing a plan.

You took your eyes off Fukushima and fixated on the others. "as expected there's Kagawa... Chiaki?! Her speed gonna trouble plus her being tall but Aikawa could cover her still I am quite surprised she joined hands with Fukushima... Wait, is that Fujioka!." your jaw almost dropped seeing your ex-teammate being your rival. it was weird since you played with her in the first selection.

"she's going to be a huge pain in the ass, she's short so she can slip by and her flexibility to trap and the score is also there. maybe misa can throw her off? no.. she said she would like to go against Kagawa, so I'm against her." you sweatdropped at your unlock. From the corner of your eyes, you saw Aikawa approach Fujioka. 

(A-N: changing Fujioka's hair color from blue to blonde since there were too many blue-haired characters💀)

" are very sty'... what's your skincare routine? your skin's practically shining." Aikawa brought Fujioka's face closer to her, caressing her chin. 'that's pretty gay.' fujioka slapped the female hand away and backed away, if you squinted you could see her face flushed.

"Oh, are you not good with compliments? my apologies then." they continued with their bickering. 'their team is pretty strong but not as strong as us. they must have made a strategy or something...moreover, I cannot take Fukushima's abilities lightly. she has the same weapon as me so there is a possibility she could block my vision but I doubt it.'

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