Chapter 35

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"Finally...I can get some rest.."

You muttered, swiping videos on your phone. Today was the last game, so that meant Rin and Shidou were playing the last match together. Even though Ego advised you to come and see the match, you didn't go.


Because you had plans, almost a week had passed since you saw Misa and the others, so today was the perfect day to go, "I still have three hours...I should go." You knew after the match that Rin and Shidou were going to be fighting but you couldn't care less, you weren't there Mom Ego is.

You exited the room and walked towards Ego's office. Once you reached you shook your head and knocked on the door a couple of times.

"Come in..."

You heard from the other side, 'It's now or never I guess.' You stepped in but weren't surprised to see Ego sitting in an awkward position on his chair, "What do you want?" He said, eyes still fixated on the screen.

"Since I don't have a match today and I've been working very hard...Please allow me to go visit the female stratum!" You bowed as Ego's eyes widened momentarily.


You wanted to cry, "If you don't let me go then I'll bug you the whole day." You said as Ego paid you no mind, "I'll throw you outta here." He said as you smirked, "You can't! I'm a very important person in this project, am I wrong?" Ego sighed, bringing a hand to his forehead.

⁕FEMALE EGOITISTS⁕~⁌⁋ Blue lock x F!Reader¶⁍Where stories live. Discover now