Chapter 15

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me and my team just stood there. behind the door, all we could think was about how someone could stoop this low. to guarantee their win. did she have no faith in us? She was just a second ago sitting in the corner glaring at us and now she's back at it again?

we saw Team V get up and start to leave. until one girl stopped, she looked at Akemi and started scolding her. we were all taken aback by the girl's words. but one thing just didn't sit right with me.

what did she mean by useless game? if she didn't like this game then why was she even participating? why was it also that she was in the top-ranked team here? She must be good at this game. Why put in the time and effort if you don't like the game?

"Hotaru wait!" Ichiyo exclaimed, I looked to see Hotaru slap Akemi. She fell to the floor and the rest of my teammates went to stop Hotaru before she did any more damage to Akemi. we did kinda need her.

the girl who was just scolding Akemi a second ago became quiet and backed away in a corner. Her teammates stood next to each other and just stared as my teammates quarreled amongst themselves.

I couldn't care about what was gonna happen to Akemi. I needed to prove something to that girl first. I need her to take her words back.  I realized I was staring at her for too long so I walked up to her. the only thing that came to my mind in this current situation was to make her realize.

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