Chapter 7

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-3rd POV-

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-3rd POV-

with 20 minutes still left for your match to start, your team was in the locker room going over their strategies. while everyone was talking amongst themselves. you figured out that your team is the highest in this stratum. how?

well, when you were trying to find your room, you came across a room labeled 'Z', and 'Y' which in the alphabet is lower than 'V', and when Ego was giving us a lecture, also mentioned that there were only 5 teams.

so that makes 'V' at the top, which includes the highest-ranked players in this stratum. now knowing this, you felt pretty good considering your team is better than all the teams in here, and that you were on this team boosted your ego even more.

you started tying your shoe laces, while Misa was fighting with Ejiri and abiko was trying to separate them, so they wouldn't kill each other. you got up and looked around the room until someone caught your eye. the highest-ranked girl here. you decided to at least ask her name since she was the center forward of the team, meaning the team was pretty much dependent on her for scoring.  

"Hey, I never asked your name, mind telling me what it is," you said trying to strike up a conversation with the girl, but to your dismay, both of you didn't know how to talk like an average human without being completely awkward.

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