Chapter 36

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"Itoshi Sae choose not any of you here, but Shidou Ryusei, instead." 

Ego revealed, which shocked you as well since he didn't inform you about this earlier, your eyes then traveled towards Rin who was gritting his teeth, his hands balled into fists, 'I wonder what Aya's reaction would be to this...'

"For real...Then Shidou..." Igarashi muttered.

"Will play as a member of the U-20 Team against us." Ego said, "Well at any rate. This Team would always be centered around Itoshi Rin or Shidou Ruysei. In my head, these were the only two viable options for Blue Lock. Itoshi Rin's playstyle revolves around his surroundings and synergizes with them. Shidou Ruysei will not link up with anyone no matter who teams up with. He's self-sufficient...But that's what I thought about him."

Ego then suddenly looked at you, his gaze hardened making you flinch, "But that's now the case with [Name] [Latname]...It's surprising to say this but Shidou and [Name] almost perfectly synergize with each other, [Name]'s playstyle can enhance any player's offense and defense while still being able to score which is perfect for Shidou and there's also the fact that she can somewhat keep him in control during the game..." The bowl-cut male said as everyone now looked at you, 'Damn you Ego...can't you let me live for once without attracting any unnecessary attention?!'

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