Chapter Eighteen

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     Once we stopped outside the dinner Bernie and Pearl turned to look at me. "Are you ready?" Bernie questioned. Taking a deep breath while nodding. "Now or never," I spoke getting out of the car.
    Once I went inside all eyes were on me. "Akari? Why are you dressed like that?" Yamato questioned while eyeing me. "I'm going to the club with Bernie I gotta try fitting in," I stated. "Why do you even bother with them," Yamato huffed folding his arms over his chest.
     "Cause Bernie is my brother and the others are his friends," I sighed. "Why do you have marks all over you?" Tetsu questioned looking me over. "From a job," I huffed folding my arms over my chest.
     A tense silence settled over us causing me to take a deep breath. "We have some things to talk about," I stated. "Call your dogs off first," Dan scoffed looking out the window. Following his line of site seeing Bernie and Pearl leaning against the car across the street. "Don't call my brother or his friend's dogs," I seethed eyeing him.
      "Associating with the enemy puts you against Hoodlum Squad," Chiharu stated with a sad look. "He's my brother!" I explained throwing my hands up. Getting nothing but dirty looks from everyone apart from Naomi. Clicking my tongue and scoffing while shaking my head. "It was a mistake coming here," I stated walking out the door.
     "Akari wait," Cobra stated as I was crossing the street. Stopping where I was clenching my fist turning back to look at him. "They have a point, but you're right he is your brother. You have a relationship with him now, we can't fault you for that. You said you wanted to talk to talk," He spoke as the others all came outside.
        "I killed someone yesterday," I stated watching all their faces drop except Cobra. "Smoky called and told me what happened, it wasn't your fault. You saved them," He stated stepping towards me. Taking a step back keeping my eyes on him. "It wasn't the first time I killed, just the first time with a gun.
      "What do you mean?" Yamato questioned coming closer. "The jobs I do put me in danger. I use my fist as much as possible, but sometimes in order to stay alive I have to use a knife. Sometimes people get killed because of me. I was trained for it by my contact," I explained.
     "WE DON'T KILL! WE PROTECT!" Cobra screamed at me. His face going red as he stormed over to me, grabbing me by the collar of my shirt. "The Hoodlum Squad protects, we don't kill," He spat glaring at me. "It was either me or them!" I spat pushing him away.
      "We brought you in to Hoodlum Squad to protect you! To make you officially one of us! And this is how you repay us!" Yamato spat. "You brought me in out of pity! You never saw me as a member only as a girl you saved! Only as a girl that hung around cause she grew up here! That's what you did!" I snapped getting in his face.
       "So the whole time you were killing! The whole time you were putting yourself in danger after we said not to! The whole time you were betraying what we stand for!" Cobra snapped. "Not the whole time! Goddamnit listen to me for once!" I snapped.
      Taking a deep breath getting ready to say something when a car came pulling up. Looking over seeing Asahi and my contact get out. Straightening up my posture quickly bowing to them. "Kurai-san, Asahi-san," I greeted before standing.
      "Who are you?" Cobra questioned eyeing them suspiciously. Taking a step back while both men stood in front of me. "I'm Asahi, I work with Akari on jobs, she gets her pay from me," Asahi stated. "I'm Kurai, the boss. I set up all the jobs and contact Akari when she's needed," Kurai spoke.
     "So you're the reason she's always in danger!" Tetsu shouted storming forward with his fist ready. On instinct I got in front of Kurai taking the hit meant for him. "Akari," Tetsu whispered. "Don't disrespect Kurai-san," I seethed straightening my posture and clothes.
     "Thank you Akari," Kurai spoke before gently pushing me back. "Kurai and I came to explain things in simple terms," Asahi stated. All eyes were on the two men flickering between the two of them, before settling on Kurai.
       "Akari is my worker the best one I have for the jobs I give. She has killed on her jobs simply to stay alive and we clean everything up. She is like a daughter to me so I don't like putting her in danger however, she's trained to protect herself by any means necessary. She was terrified of coming clean to all of you because she figured you'd turn against her, but you have to understand, I saved her. She was being prostituted around by her former handler just to make ends meet. She was having to sell herself even when she didn't want to. You guys saved her one of those times, but even after that she still had to do the job. I found her one night battered, bloodied, and tossed away like trash behind a hotel. I took her into a room and cleaned her up. She told me what happened and it enraged me to know what she had gone through. So I offered her work and she took it. I trained her for everything she has to face, and she's stayed loyal to me no matter what. I won't let anyone hurt her because of this, not even her closest friends," He explained in a dangerous tone.
       "Akari was right to think how she did. We won't let a killer be in Hoodlum Squad. She's out, and if she comes back to this area we'll run her out," Cobra spat glaring at Kurai. Taking a deep breath trying to calm my emotions, eyes looking over everyone before settling on Tetsu.
     "She has her sister and best friend that lives her not to mention her own place her, she will be back," Kurai spoke. "Her sister and best friend want nothing to do with her anymore. She is to move from here, she's no longer welcome," Cobra spat. "Cobra!" Naomi shouted glaring at him.
      Kurai went to say more only stopping when I placed my hand on his arm. Glancing back at me giving a look before letting me move to stand in front of him. "I'll leave, you won't have to worry about me anymore. You'll wash your hands clean of me, the burden you all had to bear for so long will be gone," I stated locking eyes with Cobra.
       "No one is to contact Akari from this day on. She's is now an enemy of Hoodlum Squad. Before long she'll be an enemy to all of S.W.O.R.D," He spat. "But she's our friend," Chiharu whispered. Cobra quickly turned on the boy causing me to speak again. "It's okay, I'll listen to his wishes," I stated blinking back tears.
       "Asahi we're leaving," Kurai spoke walking past me. "Thank you for taking me in for the bit that you did. Sorry to disappoint all of you and let you all down. I'll move out of here within a few days, until then I'll have to stay in the area. I wish you all well, until next time this is goodbye," I spoke giving them all one last look.
     Taking a deep breath quickly going and getting back in Bernie's car with him and Pearl. Once we took off everything stayed silent as I watched out the window. All the familiar places disappearing into the distance as we went towards the club. The silence only being disturbed by my phone ringing.
      "Yes Kurai-san," I spoke blinking back my tears. "Don't cry we knew this day would come. I'll give the next couple days off. I have a house for you to move into that's closer to your brother Bernie. Tomorrow you can pack up and I'll send the me over when you're done along with Asahi. Sorry things had to end the way they did. Your other brothers will be informed of everything as well today, even if they leave you still have us," He spoke from the other end.
      "Okay, thank you. I'll see Asahi-san tomorrow then," I whispered. "You'll have a new job partner as well. His name is Masaru he's just like you, and his lover Yami will work with us on the tech side of things," He stated. "Okay. When do I meet them?" I spoke. "At your next job, which will be Friday night Asahi will give you the details tomorrow," He informed. "Okay, I'll be there then," I spoke. "Have a good rest of your day, we'll meet another day," He spoke before ending the call.
     Sighing I shoved my phone in my bag looking out the window seeing the club. "Ready to go in? We still have a few hours before we open," Bernie spoke looking back at me. "I'll be there in a moment," I stated earning nods from the two. Quickly they got out, Bernie heading in while Pearl leaned on the front of the car waiting.
     Sighing I let my tears fall, let the emotions run through me as all I knew was now gone. The people I grew close with, ripped from me. All of it was gone within a moment.
    After crying for a few minutes I dried my eyes. Pulled out my mirror and few things of makeup quickly fixing it. Putting on my sunglasses to hide my bloodshot eyes, before getting out. The moment I was out Pearl was next to me.
     "Ready?" He questioned looking down at me. "Yeah I'm ready," I spoke. Nodding he took my hand placing a gentle kiss on my temple before leaning me inside.
Once inside the others came and greeted me with hugs and warm smiles.
     "From today onwards you're a Mighty Warrior. We won't judge you for your past or your future. You do whatever jobs you need to do to survive. We'll always have your back, you're family now. On top of that if you want to do bartending here on the nights you don't work your other job, go right ahead," Ice announced.
     "Really?!" I exclaimed looking around at all the smiling faces. "Of course, you're family after all," He stated. "So what do you say?" Bernie questioned. Looking up at Pearl with a smile before around at the others. "I say fuck yeah!" I exclaimed causing everyone to erupt in cheers.
     Ice reached behind the bar getting everyone a shot, passing them around. "Here's to our newest member!" He exclaimed causing us to cheer. Quickly we all downed our shots, sitting our glasses to the side. Pearl pulled me with him over to a seat. Once he sat down he pulled me onto his lap, wrapping his arms around my waist.
        "When did this happen?" Ice questioned pointing to us. "Last night," I stated giving a smile. "I walked in on them this morning going at it, last thing I ever wanted or needed to hear," Bernie chuckled. "Just showing him I can ride," I remarked. Earning snickers and smirks from the others, while Bernie gave a disgusted look.
     "You could come live with us if you need a place to stay," Ice offered. "No it's okay, my contract has a house for me to move into. Said it was closer to Bernie, so I'll be close to all of you," I stated with a smile. "Don't know where it's at?" Sarah questioned. "Not yet but I'm moving in tomorrow so I'll find out then," I stated.
      "So tonight we celebrate and tomorrow we work," Pearl spoke placing a kiss on my cheek. "Just no fighting please," I spoke giving him a look. "If any man tries to be all up on ya I'm fighting him off, you're mine and I don't share," He spoke tightening his hold on me. "Fine," I chuckled giving a smile.

      After a few more drinks and hours the club was finally open. Music was blasting and the dance floor was filled. With enough liquid courage in me I got up from my spot and turned to the others. "I'm heading down to dance," I stated sending a smirk to Pearl.
    Quickly I made my way downstairs and onto the dance floor. Letting the music take control of my body. Feeling hands holding my hips causing me to turn around seeing Pearl standing there. "There's no way I'm leaving you alone dancing like that while looking this sexy," He spoke in my ear.
    Giving a nod and smile I pressed my ass against him while he held my waist. I was whinding and grinding against him. Leaning my head back kissing while he held me closer to him. "It's time for me to perform," He spoke letting me go.
   Smiling I made my way to the front following behind him. Once he was on stage he sent me a wink before the performance started. The whole time I stayed in the front watching him while dancing. This night has truly proven to be the best, even though I'm afraid tomorrows going to be hell.


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