Chapter Sixteen

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It's been a week since I left the hospital and also the first day I was getting to leave to see Lala. "I'm leaving now," I called to Tetsu who was showering. "Okay I'll lock up when I leave! Be safe!" He called back. Smiling I put in my helmet and grabbed my bag before leaving.
Getting on my bike and taking off to the store and pharmacy. Once at the store I grabbed a bunch of different foods and water before paying and leaving. Walking across the street over to the pharmacy grabbing plenty of the medicine Smoky would need, paying and then leaving.
Getting back out to my bike putting everything in my big duffel bag, before leaving. After a bit of riding I came to a stop outside of Nameless City . Taking my helmet off putting it on my bike, bringing the duffel bag around so it was easy to get into.
    Walking it with a bright smile I started talking to the residents while handing out food and water, waiting for Rude Boys to show up. The sound of a child crying caught my attention causing me to spin around. Seeing a little girl crying on the other side of the street.
    Quickly I went over to her kneeling in front of her. "Are you okay?" I questioned while wiping her tears away. "They took my sister," She cried while looking at me. "Who did?" I questioned while seeing Rude Boys making their way to me. "The men in the black suits," She cried.
    "Do you know where they went?" I questioned softly. She pointed off to the right behind Rude Boys getting me to nod. "I'll find her," I spoke giving a small smile. Grabbing out some food and water handing it to her. "There's food and water for everyone in here, and medicine for Smoky," I rushed passing the bag of to Lala.
    "What was she telling you?" Smoky questioned while eyeing me. "Her sister was taken by men in black suits," I sighed darting my eyes around. "We'll find her," He spoke. "I'll help," I stated running past them.
   Jumping up grabbing onto a pipe flipping myself up onto the roof. Running along the tops of the roofs in the direction she pointed too. Dropping down when I noticed black cars and men in black suits taking older children. Letting a low growl leave me before making my way towards them.
   Looking next to me seeing Takeshi crouching. "They have guns," I whisper while eyeing the men. "We got this," He spoke. "No it's too dangerous, I know this is your home but let me. I've fought people with guns before I can disarm them quickly. Just don't let them leave with the kids," I huffed before dropping down.
    Looking around seeing nothing useful. Sighing I tossed my jacket to the side and used the dirt to make myself seem dirty. Rolling my tattered shirt up into a crop top, tucking it into the band of my bra. Taking a deep breath shooting a look up to Takeshi and the others before starting my act.
    Stumbling out all confused smiling when I saw the men. "Are you here to help. Please I just want food and water," I cried falling at the men's feet. "Take her," A man spoke. Quickly another man stepped forward tucking his gun away, before grabbing me.
   Smirking I punched him in the gut and grabbed his gun. Working my way around the others close by using the butt of the gun to knock them out. Stopping when ten others surrounded me pointing their guns.
    "Come on gentlemen is this anyway to greet a lady?" I chuckled while eyeing them. "Drop the gun," One spat stepping closer. Chuckling I used what my brothers taught me, quickly disarming all the men. Making my way around knocking them out except one.
  Feeling another gun pressed against the back of my head making me chuckle. "Drop the gun," He spat as I turned around slowly. Chuckling I dropped the gun I was holding before kneeing him in the groin, and taking his gun.
     "You shouldn't play with such dangerous toys," I chuckled knocking him out with the butt of the gun. Tossing it to the side as the Rude Boys dropped down coming over to me. Quickly we got all the kids out looking them over for any injuries. "Thank you," Smoky spoke patting my shoulder.
    Giving a smile helping them lead the kids back to where everyone else was. I stayed at the back watching for anyone else. Catching the glimpse of something to the right of us. Turning towards it seeing one last man that was hiding pointing his gun at one of the kids.
   Growling I ran forward feeling the bullet graze my arm. "GET DOWN!" I screamed kicking the man in the gut. Jumping forward grabbing his gun as I tried to get it away from him. Taking hits to the ribs as we struggled over the gun until it went off. Blood splattered all over me as the man dropped limp to the ground.
   The gun falling from my hands as they shook. Falling back onto the ground feeling tears come to my eyes as I backed away from the man. Shaking my head as my eyes widened in horror, I've never killed anyone with a gun before. The sound was deafening and the feeling of blood and brain matter was sickening.
    My breathing quickened as I started at the body in front of me. "I didn't mean too, I didn't meant too," I whispered aloud as the panic set in. In a moment Smoky was in front of me with Takeshi. My eyes flashed from them to the body behind them as tears streamed down my face. "It was an accident," I whispered.
    "Takeshi take her to the hide out," Smoky spoke while eyeing me. Nodding he quickly picked me up and headed in a different direction. Placing me on a couch as we entered there hide out. Sighing as he looked me over before using a cloth to clean my face.
   I sat there staring into space only snapped out of my trance when someone hugged me. "We saw what happened you saved us, it's not your fault," Smoky rasped in my ear. Wrapping my arms around him crying into his shoulder as he rubbed my back. "Thank you for helping save us, because of you that girl has her sister back," He spoke pulling away.
  Nodding while looking over at my bag that Lala was holding. "I saw there were phones in here also," She spoke coming forward. "Ah yeah there's a new phone in there for each of you," I stated giving a smile. Nodding she passed them out before handing me my bag.
   "I should go," I stated quickly running out with my bag. "Akari!" Takeshi and Lala called after me. Ignoring them I pushed myself to run faster. Getting on my bike once I got to it and taking off. Riding back to my place at dangerous speeds. Once there I parked and quickly headed inside, slamming my door shut and locking it.
    Taking a deep breath tossing my bag to the side before stripping off my clothes. Getting in the shower I scrubbed my hair until my head hurt, and scrubbed my skin until parts were breaking open. Getting out and trying off bandaging my small wounds.
   Making my way out to my room throwing on an oversized tee shirt and a pair of shorts. Walking out to my living room grabbing my phone messaging Bernie.

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