Chapter Six

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Waking up the next afternoon in a bit of a daze. Reaching over grabbing my phone as it buzzed. Seeing the multiple messages and calls from both Hiroto and Masaki. Sighing I decided to open them.
M: Did you get all the way home safe? 06:30
     M: Are you okay? 06:50
    M: Why aren't you answering? 07:05
   M: Don't ignore your older brother. 07:25
  M: Akari answer please. 07:50
  M: I'm calling you. 08:10
(Missed Call From Masaki👾)08:10
  M: Answer the phone. I need to know you're safe. 08:13
(Missed Call From Masaki👾) 08:14
  M: Just tell me you're safe, Hiroto isn't home yet. 08:25
(Missed call from Masaki👾)08:34
  H: Akari answer the phone, Masaki is going crazy. 09:00
  H: Akari? 09:10
  H: Answer your brothers. 09:15
  H: Did you get all the way home safely? 09:30
   H: If you don't answer we're going to your apartment. 09:40
   H: Answer the fucking phone! Are you safe! 09:58
   H: I'm calling you. 10:10
(Missed Call From Hiroto👿) 10:10
(Missed Call From Hiroto👿) 10:15
H: Answer the phone 10:20
(Missed Call From Hiroto👿) 10:25
H: That's it we're coming. 10:30
M: We're on our way. 10:34
H: Akemi told us what happened. 12:20
M: Where are you? Akemi told us what happened. 12:25
H: Need someone to talk to? 12:34
M: We're going to the diner to ask Cobra where you are. 12:35
H: We're out front come out. 13:00
M: Come outside please. 13:05
H: Either you come out or we're coming in. 13:10
M: We're coming in. 13:15

   Groaning I sat up hearing the banging on the front door. I love my brothers but I swear I'm going to strangle them. Before I could even get out of bed I already heard shouts of protest from Tetsu.
   "You can't just barge into my house!"
    "Where's Akari?" Hiroto snapped.
    "Probably sleeping dumbass," Tetsu snapped back.
   "Akari!" Masaki called while coming up the stairs.
  Groaning I pulled myself from the bed going over to the door. "I was sleeping," I groaned while opening it.
   Without warning Masaki pulled me into a hug while Hiroto ran up the stairs. Pulling me away from our brother giving me a stern look before also hugging me. "Why are you both so freaked out? You brought me to the edge of town," I spoke pointing to Hiroto while taking a step back.
   "When you'd get so close with the Amamiya's?" Tetsu questioned breaking our sibling moment. "Shit," I muttered while looking down at him. Glancing back over at my brothers getting looks from both of them, causing me to sigh.
   "Coffee then I have something to tell you," I huffed making my way into the kitchen. Quickly I made up a cup of iced coffee before going to sit in the living room with the three boys. Taking a deep breath I exchanged a look with my brothers getting a slightly more encouraging one back from Masaki.
    "Tetsu I need you to listen and not interrupt me until I'm done talking," I spoke eyeing him. "Okay, but do these two have to stay?" He questioned giving them a look. "Yes and don't look at them like that," I spoke giving a pointed look. Getting a simple nod in return told me that I was free to now speak.
    "Akemi and I are only half siblings we only share our mom in common. After mom and Akemi had an argument she took me with her and we didn't see mom again. I was young at the time so I didn't remember much of anything. I didn't remember if I had any other older siblings or anything, all I knew was Akemi. Well I found out almost a year ago that we're also half siblings with Hiroto because we have the same mom. Which makes these two here mine and Akemi's brothers," I spoke taking a sip of my coffee.
   "I never really knew my father. He was someone that I think mom met before getting remarried and I'm pretty sure I happened by accident. I found out a month ago I have another brother simply because we share the same lame brain shit head father. That brother happens to be Bernie the same one that's the DJ at Funk Jungle and apart of Mighty Warriors. I've not said anything yet because I've been processing it. I was about to come forward to everyone about being related to the Amamiya's, but then I found out about Bernie. So I decided to just take more time," I finished taking a sip of my coffee.
   "YOU'RE RELATED TO THE AMAMIYA'S AND BERNIE BY BLOOD!" Tetsu yelled causing me to cover my ears. "Oi! Don't be so fucking loud!" I snapped while rubbing my ears. "Sorry," He spoke scratching his neck.
   "Yes I'm related to both. I'm happy being related to the Amamiya's, they're fun to have as brothers. On the other hand I hate being related to that bastard Bernie," I spoke while rubbing my head. "I have got to tell everyone," Tetsu spoke grabbing his phone.
    "Please don't, I'm not ready for everyone to know yet," I whispered grabbing his phone. Starring at me for a moment before looking away. "You can sleep with me if you keep quiet," I blurted out without thinking. All three men snapping their heads towards me with wide eyes.
    "You're not bribing someone with your body," Hiroto spoke in a dangerous tone. "Our sister isn't selling herself," Masaki added. "Really?!" Tetsu blurted out earning dangerous looks from my brothers. "Promise to keep quiet?" I questioned holding out my pinky. "Promise, but you don't have to sleep with me. I'm not going to take advantage of my best friend like that," He spoke wrapping his pinky around mine and pressing our thumbs together.
   "Thank you Tetsu. Now you two can crash in my room before we head out later," I spoke eyeing my brothers. Getting nods from them both before guiding them upstairs. While they laid down I looked through my clothes deciding on a black cropped hoodie and leather pants. Quickly taking my clothes and things out and into the bathroom in the next room over.
Turning the shower on to heat up before stripping from my clothes. Hoping in letting the hot water cascade over me, causing all my tense muscles to relax. Once I was done washing I quickly got out dried off and got dressed. Coming out of the bathroom and heading downstairs sitting next to Tetsu on the couch.
"Where are you going later?" He questioned while I laid my head on his shoulder. "Bernie wants to meet so we can talk things out," I sighed playing with my hands. "Promise you'll be careful and come back after?" He questioned holding out his pinky. "Promise I'll try to be careful and I'll come back after," I spoke wrapping my pinky around his, pressing our thumbs together.
"Can I nap with you as my pillow?" I questioned softly. "Of course," He spoke getting more comfortable. Smiling I scooted closer throwing my legs across his lap while resting my head on his shoulder. "The meetings at 20:00 at Funk Jungle. I'm supposed to go alone but my brothers are coming, and watching from a distance," I spoke closing my eyes.
"I'll have you up before then," He whispered holding my legs with one hand, and his other arm wrapped around my back. Nodding I let myself drift off back to my dreamland.

Beers & Bath Houses: A High & Low FanFiction: Tetsu FocusWhere stories live. Discover now