Chapter Five

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"Why the fuck are you here?" I spat stomping out my smoke. "Cause I figured we needed to talk after you found out we're related," They spoke while eyeing me. Glancing behind them seeing Hiroto and Masaki watching from the lobby of their building.
"You're the last person I want to see or need to see right now," I huffed while watching them. "Come on don't be like that Akari. I know you just found out but we gotta talk sometime," They spoke stepping closer to me. "Fuck off Bernie, I can't handle this right now," I sighed closing my eyes again.
Sighing I stayed leaned against my bike trying to sort out my thoughts and calm my emotions. Feeling a hand placed on my shoulder before another one on my other shoulder. "Bernie if you're touching me I'll break your arms," I huffed.
Taking a breath before opening my eyes coming face to face with Bernie. "Fuck off," I spat shoving him back. Moving forward he grabbed my shoulders again while looking at me. "I'm your older brother Akari just listen to me. Dad wasn't a good person, hell I'm not a good person, but you're family which means I care about you. Family protects family," He spoke squeezing my shoulders a bit.
"Don't touch me," I spat pushing him away again. Letting out a low growl he stepped forward grabbing onto my arm roughly pulling me with him. "Let me go or my other brothers will beat your ass," I threatened. "Let em," He spat pulling me towards a car.
  Groaning I tried pulling my arm away to no avail. His grip only became tighter causing me to wince a bit. Feeling my other arm grabbed causing us to stop moving. "Let our sister go," Masaki spat while Hiroto held onto my arm.
"We're having a private conversation," Bernie spat pulling me towards him. Groaning when Hiroto yanked me back towards him and Masaki. "I don't want to talk with you right now Bernie. Just ugh fuck give me a time and place and I'll show up then we can talk," I sighed while eyeing him.
"Tomorrow at 20:00 come to Funk Jungle. We'll talk before it's time to open the club. Come alone," He huffed glaring at my other brothers. "Fine I'll be there," I sighed. Nodding he let go of my arm before getting in his car. Hiroto pulling me behind him and Masaki while they stared him down as he drove off.
   Turning to me they both gave the 'we'll talk inside' look. Nodding I went with them as they guided me inside. Once back inside my phone was ringing again. Looking at the name flashing across the screen this time it was Yamato. "I can't handle them right now," I huffed declining the call.
"He bruised you," Masaki spoke gently brushing the bruise Bernie left. "He did too," I spoke holding up my other arm. "I didn't mean too but we weren't letting you go with him," Hiroto spoke stepping forward.
"Thank you," I sighed while rubbing my head. Without warning Hiroto pulled me into a hug, causing me to tense up a bit. "Relax I can tell you need a hug," He grumbled. Sighing I hugged him back finally letting my emotions come to the surface.
Tears cascaded down my face and Hiroto hugged me, weathering the storm while Masaki stood next to us. Once I finished crying I pulled away taking a step back. "Thanks for everything but I have to get back. God knows Cobra already wants my head," I sighed.
"Hiroto will take you to the edge of town so we know you're safe. And tomorrow we'll wait at a distance for you. You aren't going around that asshat and his buddies completely alone," Masaki spoke. "You don't need to be there tomorrow. You guys already have a lot going on looking for Aniki. You don't need to worry about me as well," I spoke.
"You're our little sister we'll be there tomorrow," Hiroto spoke before walking out. Sighing I grabbed my things throwing my hands up in the air. "I never have a choice in anything anymore," I grumbled walking to the door. Stopping to look back at Masaki before going over and giving him a hug, that he happily returned. "Bye I'll see you tomorrow I guess," I spoke before jogging out the door.
Getting back down to the bikes seeing Hiroto already sitting on his, impatient as ever. Sighing I hopped on my bike quickly starting it before taking off. Looking next to me as Hiroto rode beside me casing a smile to spread on my face.
Before long we were at the edge of town. Looking over at Hiroto I quickly waved to him before continuing on my way. Going deeper into town deciding to go over to the diner.
Upon arriving I noticed everyone's bikes were there just as the sun was now coming up. Parking my bike next to Tetsu's before getting off. Taking a deep breath before walking inside. Being greeted with a hard slap to the face from my sister and a punch in the arm from my best friend.
"What the fuck!" I snapped glaring at my sister. Getting slapped again before Dan pulled her away. "STOP RUNNING AWAY!" She spat causing me to groan. "You aren't the boss of me," I huffed. Glancing around the room looking at everyone giving me relieved, concerned, pissed looks.
"Okay fuck I'm sorry! Sorry for running off, sorry for fighting, sorry for getting hurt, sorry for being a shit member of this team, sorry for being a woman! I'm sorry!" I shouted before storming out the door.
Quickly getting on my bike taking off back to Tetsu's place. Parking my bike after a short ride over, getting off and leaning against the wall next to the door. A few minutes later Tetsu pulled up followed by Chiharu. They both gave me a look as they came over to me causing me to sigh. "I already said sorry," I spoke going in after Tetsu.
Quickly I made my way to my room slamming the door behind me. Groaning I took my jacket off tossing it to the side, while dropping onto the bed. I can't do all of this right now. Sighing I set an alarm on my phone before deciding to get a little sleep finally.

Beers & Bath Houses: A High & Low FanFiction: Tetsu FocusWhere stories live. Discover now