Chapter Ten

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I was laying in bed next to some guy that I was with last night for a job. I hated that this time around I had to use my body to complete a job. I don't like using it to gain anything. My body isn't something meant to be sold yet here I am selling it.
   Sighing I swing my legs over the side of the bed carefully getting up. Tip toeing into the bathroom starting the shower. Sighing while eyeing myself in the mirror. Scratches, bite marks, cuts, bruises, welts all of it littered my body.
   I had to let him do anything he wanted to me without complaint otherwise I wouldn't get paid. Sighing I hopped into the shower wincing every time the water hit one of the cuts. Without much warning the man joined me.
Pressing his lips to my neck while roughly grabbing my already bruised hips. "Did you enjoy last night baby. You were so good I'm glad I bought you from your handler for the night," He whispered in my ear. Giggling I turned around wrapping my arms around his neck, deciding to keep playing my part.
"I enjoyed it very much daddy," I whispered giving him a kiss. Chuckling into the kiss he slapped my ass before pushing me to get out. "Wait for me in the room I have something for you," He spoke getting under the water. Nodding I got out of the shower quickly drying off. Leaving the towel to the side on the floor before going into the room.
Putting on my bra and panties before slipping my leather skirt back on. Sitting in the end of the bed pulling my cropped corset top back on. After a few more minutes he came out fully clothed giving me a warm smile.
"What'd you wanna show me?" I questioned while eyeing him. Without a word he came over to me gently rubbing my cheek, smiling down at me. "A slut like you don't deserve to be paid," He spat grabbing my throat.
Pushing me back on the bed while he strangled me. Closing at his arm and hands while trying to push him off of me. Reaching my hands for anything I could reach. Wrapping my hands around something metal using it to hit him.
Causing him to let go giving me time to get out from under him. Not escaping him for long when he grabbed me, throwing me into the door. "You dirty little whore!" He spat stabbing a knife into me. Doubling over while gasping, pulling the knife out stabbing it into his leg.
Blood dripping onto the floor as he cried out. Quickly getting up leaving the room. Limping down the hallway as blood kept leaking from me. Pulling out my phone as I made it out front. Sending my location to the Hoodlum Squad group chat, knowing someone would come.
Leaning against the wall before going around the corner hiding, waiting to be saved. The sounds of motorcycles grew closer but so did the man as he found me. "Stay away!" I yelled, letting out a scream as he lunged at me.

~End Of Nightmare~

"Stay away!" I shouted springing upwards in my hospital bed. Clutching onto my chest as the panic rose in me. Tears coming from my eyes all the while multiple feet came jogging into the room.
"Akari, are you okay? We heard your shout from outside," Bernie spoke coming towards me. Quickly I held up my trembling hands. "Stay away!" I exclaimed as more tears streamed down my face.
Realizing my state he stopped where he was, watching me for a moment. "Are you okay?" He questioned softly. Shaking my head trying to get my breathing under control, to no avail.
Flinching when I felt a hand placed on my back. Looking up seeing Sarah standing there with a soft smile. Not thinking much I wrapped my arms around her, sobbing into her side while she patted my back.
After a bit I finally calmed down pulling away muttering a sorry. "Don't be sorry for crying it's okay," She spoke stepping back some. Looking around at the others that looked concerned yet confused. "A man hurt you in the past didn't he," Sarah spoke.
"Yeah, that's what the nightmare was about. That time it was brutal," I acknowledged. "Can we know about it?" Bernie questioned taking slow steps towards me. "Promise not to get upset with me or murder the man?" I questioned eyeing him. "Promise I won't be upset or murder the man," He spoke sticking his pinky out to me. Nodding I wrapped mine around his connecting our thumbs. Taking a deep breath before eyeing everyone.
"Before I could actually fight properly I was well weak. Even though I was weak I still had to work jobs, just not ideal ones. One of the jobs I had was with my handler. He controlled or owned about eight different girls, that he'd sell for various things every night. One of the nights he sold me to the middle aged man that wanted a punching bag and sex. Since it was my job I had to obey him no matter what or else I didn't get paid. Well that night I went with the man and he beat the crap out of me, but he didn't just beat me he cut me all over my body as well. After that came the sex after I couldn't even move and could hardly even keep my eyes open. I woke up the morning after to cuts, bites, bruising, welts, everything it was littering my skin. That morning when I showered he told me to wait in the room when I was done cause he had something to show me. What he wanted to show me was him trying to murder me. He strangled me at first and I barely managed to hit him with something to get him to let go. Next it was throwing me into the door before stabbing me. With that same knife I stabbed him in the leg before pushing myself out the door. The only reason I'm still alive is I was able to send my location to Hoodlum squad, and they showed up taking care of of the man," I spoke feeling my hands starting to shake more.
"How dare someone hurt my sister like that!" Bernie spat while clinching his fist. "I was only 18 when it happened. Just turned 18 two weeks prior actually. The next day when I woke up in the hospital was the day Cobra decided he was going to train me. Then at 20 I joined the squad," I spoke with my eyes closed.
"I'm sorry I wasn't around back then, if I had been or we had been that wouldn't have happened," Bernie spoke holding my trembling hands. "I hated the things I had to do for money then, the jobs I had to work. I don't like the ones I do now, but at least I can fight and not sell my body," I sighed.
"You could always work for us as a bartender," Ice offered taking a step forward. "I've never mixed a drink or made a drink of any kind before. I don't drink I feel like I'd be ruined my first day," I spoke giving a small smile. "Just think it over, we pay good and you'd be safe. If anyone fucked with you, you'd have us right there to step in if need be," He reasoned.
    "I will thank you," I spoke while lying back down. "I'll walk them out then be back," Bernie spoke ushering the others out. Sighing I laid there alone which was the last thing I wanted.
     After a few moments Bernie came back in and sat next to me. Grabbing my hand and giving me a soft smile. "I'll protect you now," He whispered. Nodding I gave a small smile. "Try to rest more I'll be on the couch," He spoke going and lying on the couch.
     Sighing I laid there pretending to sleep, knowing I wouldn't be going back to sleep at all. How could someone sleep after having something like that pop up. That bastard haunts me.

Beers & Bath Houses: A High & Low FanFiction: Tetsu FocusΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα