Chapter Three

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Waking up to shouting coming from the living room, causing me to groan while pressing a pillow over my face. "Shut up! You're going to wake Akari," Tetsu stated while walking towards my room. Sitting up rubbing my eyes as he knocked on the door. "Come in dumbass," I huffed while pulling the blanket from my lap. "Sorry if they woke you," He stated while peeking his head in.
"It's fine," I groaned while stretching, wincing as I did so. "Be careful you're still injured," Tetsu stated while passing me a box of bandages. "I just needed to stretch," I stated while rolling my eyes. "Let me put the bandages on for you," He stated coming and sitting next to me. "At least close the door," I chuckled while eyeing him.
    "Right sorry," He muttered while quickly closing the door. Walking back over to me with a bit of nervousness behind his eyes. "Uh take your shirt off," I spoke while looking at the floor. Chuckling I watched his eyes nervously dart around the room, while he slightly bounced on his feet.
"I can do it, you're to nervous," I chuckled opening the box of bandages. "Let me help," He insisted stepping closer. "Tetsu, are you trying to have an excuse to see me without a bra on?" I questioned raising my brow at him.
"No bra!" Dan called while him and Chiharu fell through the door. "Get out you horny bastards!" I snapped going towards them slowly. "Yeah stop spying on her!" Tetsu barked. "That means you too," I stated pointing to the open door.
Sighing he walked out dragging the other two with him. Chuckling and shaking my head going back over to the bed. Pulling out some bandages laying them out. Carefully I peeled the shirt I was wearing off, letting small groans escape me.
Tossing it to the side before working on taking the old bandages off. Once that was done I examined the stitches, letting out a breath seeing it's not infected. Carefully I cleaned them with a wipe before putting the waterproof bandage over them. Once that was done I slowly cleaned the rest of my wounds and bandaged them.
Tossing the trash away before carefully slipping my sports draw over my head. Looking around not seeing any clothes to wear causing me to sigh. Going over to the door walking out. "Tetsu I'm borrowing clothes!" I called down, before going into his room.
Going over to his closet pulling out a black tee shirt and a pair of joggers. Slowly I changed into the outfit before leaving the room. Slowly making my way downstairs, stopping when I heard them whisper yelling at each other.
"You idiots cost me being able to help Akari!" Tetsu yelled at the two. "We were just trying to see what was going on!" Dan protested. "You were trying to see her tits!" Chiharu chimed. "I was not! She's not even my type!" Dan argued. "You're the one that called out 'no bra' like a dumbass," Chiharu reminded.
"Guys shut up! This is serious!" Tetsu snapped taking back the attention. "Sorry we ruined it," Chiharu sighed. "First you idiots woke her up! Then ruin my chance of helping her again!" Tetsu huffed. "I don't think she wanted help. She's stubborn," Dan stated.
"I know that's why I was going to help! Until you idiots got in the way!" Tetsu grumbled. "Just go check on her now and then help next time," Dan muttered. "Yeah check on her, I mean she took two nasty beatings," Chiharu sighed.
Sighing I finished down the stairs going into the kitchen where they stood. Lips tightly shut, eyes wide like they were caught with their hand in the cookie jar. "I don't need help for one. For two I'm the one that took the beatings and I'm fine. For three stop worrying so much about me, I can handle my own. Finally Dan, you don't need a type to look at tits. We all know you haven't seen any in a while, so you probably don't remember what they look like. But if you wanted to see mine you could've just asked no need to spy," I spoke looking between the three barely holding back my smile.
"Can I see your tits?" Dan questioned earning a smack to the head from the other two, while I stood there laughing. "You're funny horndog. Go get a girl and get laid," I chuckled limping past them. Going over to the fridge pulling out a coffee and an apple.
"After I eat my apple I'm heading to my apartment to get some clothes," I spoke before heading back up the stairs. Going into the room I was staying in sitting at the small desk. Slowly eating my apple while letting my thoughts whisk me away.
Why is everyone so concerned about me? They all know that I can handle myself, yet get all up tight when I fight or get hurt. I don't get it. Is it because I'm the only girl that's officially part of Hoodlum Squad? The only girl in this area that actually decides to fight. Is that what the issue is? That they only see me as some girl and not a true member like the rest of them.
Sighing I shook my head running my free hand through my hair. Tossing the apple core in the trash as a knock sounded on the door. "Hey are you ready? I'll take you over," Tetsu spoke peaking into the room. "Yeah I'm ready," I sighed getting up.
Slowly I got up brushing past Tetsu as I walked out the door. Heading down the stairs, and out the door. Going over to his bike leaning against it while waiting for him to come out. Glancing around noticing Dan and Chiharu's bikes are gone.
"The two idiots leave after getting scolded?" I questioned while eyeing Tetsu as he made his way over. "They went to the diner," He spoke getting on the bike. Sighing I got on behind him holding onto the back of his jacket.
Without another word we were off. Getting to my apartment fairly quickly causing me to smile. "Stay here," I stated while getting off. Slowly walking up the stairs going inside. Looking around the place noticing that no one else was here, caused a sigh of relief to leave me.
Making my way to my room grabbing out a duffel bag quickly gathering my things. Tossing whatever I might need into my bag before grabbing my helmet and heading out. Going over to my bike getting on with my bag hanging in my shoulder.
Pulling up next to Tetsu looking over at him with a small smile. "I'll meet you back at your place!" I called over before taking off. After getting there I let out a groan turning off my bike and waiting for Tetsu.
After a short time he pulled up and quickly led me inside after giving me a look. "I know I shouldn't ride but I'm not staying as a passenger when I have my own wheels," I huffed going back up to the room I was staying in. Tossing my bag to the side before collapsing onto the bed letting sleep consume me again.

Beers & Bath Houses: A High & Low FanFiction: Tetsu FocusWhere stories live. Discover now