Chapter Four

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After staying with Tetsu for almost a week I finally had enough. I know him and Chiharu are my best friends within Hoodlum Squad, and Dan comes with them. But I swear to god if I have to stay here any longer under supervision, as if I'm a teenager I might actually murder someone.
Running a hand through my hair before sitting up on the bed. Quickly getting up changing into my leather pants, black tee shirt, leather jacket, and riding gloves. Tucking my phone into my jacket pocket and taking my keys from the desk, while quietly going to the door. Slowly opening it peaking my head out seeing the entire house was quiet and dark.
Smiling to myself I quietly tip toed down the stairs, slipping into my riding boots by the door. Quietly leaving the house going over to my bike. Backing it up and pushing it down the street a little before getting on, and starting it up. Taking in a deep breath grabbing my helmet I kept strapped to my bike. Quickly putting it on before taking off.
Finally I felt free once again. No restrictions at last. The bruising has faded decently well, the pain basically gone, and my stitches practically healed, I was fine to be alone.
As if the universe was laughing at me for thinking those words. The same black van from the other night came into view ahead of me, causing a groan to leave me. Why universe? Why must you hate me?
Groaning I slowed down slightly keeping my eyes trained on them. Seeing the dark haired man in front peer out the window at me, with a wicked smile. "Fuck me," I groaned turning off onto a different road.
Quickly I sped up making my way down different roads, checking my mirrors as they followed me. The one day I decide to sneak out these stupid bastards just have to be there to find it.
Sighing I sped up more while weighing my options. I'm not close to anyone in hoodlum squad now that I've been driving around. I could go to White Rascals and risk a gang war to get these bastards to fuck off. Or I could go to the two lovely little brothers over in Little Asia. Or I could try fighting them off alone again.
Groaning picking the lesser of the two evils I sped towards Little Asia with these bastards still following me. Looking over my shoulder seeing them picking up speed causing me to become more pissed off by the second. "Fuck off already," I groaned while turning into Little Asia.
Going down the different streets until I spotted the brothers Harleys come into view. Smiling more as I got closer seeing Masaki leaning against his bike while I parked mine.
"Akari?" He questioned while eyeing me. "Hey," I spoke getting off my bike and turning towards the van. "What did you do now?" He questioned watching the van coming closer. "Doubt," I sighed while shaking my head. Nodding he watched the van carefully getting into a fighting stance.
Once it stopped the blonde stepped out eyeing me. "Told you we'd meet again princess," He chuckled. "Fuck off already," I groaned cracking my knuckles. Watching the dark haired man get out along with ten of their henchmen. "What had to bring more brainless goons this time around," I deadpanned while shaking out my arms and legs.
"Do what ever you have to, just take her," The blonde instructed. Glancing over at Masaki getting his famous 'you're explaining yourself after this look' just before the fight started. Quickly Masaki took on all the henchmen while the blonde and brunette went after me.
"Fucking bastard," I spat charging at the blonde. Landing a solid punch to his jaw and a kick to his gut. Focusing solely on him as he went to attack me again, completely forgetting about the brunette. Right as I went to strike the blonde again I took a hard kick to my stitches, causing me to double over.
"Time to go princess," The blonde chuckled coming over to me. Clutching onto my side I couldn't move as the pain surged through me and tears blurred my vision. Feeling a hand roughly grab me pulling me off the ground. The blonde coming into view with a wicked smile.
Rearing my head back I lunched myself forward head butting him, causing him to let me go. "Stupid bitch!" He spat as I stumbled back, still trying to get my bearings. Watching as he pulled out a knife stalking towards me, only to be disarmed by Masaki.
"Retreat!" The blonde ordered getting back into the van, with his eyes trained on me. Once they were gone I allowed myself to crumble. Falling to the ground taking deep breaths while Masaki crouched in front of me. "Masaki!" I heard Hiroto call while jogging over.
"Akari?" He spoke looking down at me. Both brothers took one of my arms carefully helping me stand. "Let's get you inside. Can you walk?" Masaki questioned while eyeing me. "Yeah," I breathed holding onto Hiroto.
Nodding he let me go leading us inside, while Hiroto helped support me. Once inside I was sat on the couch before Masaki appeared in front of me with a first-aid kit. Groaning I slowly pulled my jacket off seeing I had a few cuts on my arm.
"What's with those bastards and knives," I huffed. Taking a breath while lifting up my shirt seeing the rather nasty bruising around my stitches. "When did you get stitches?" Hiroto questioned from beside me.
"Four days ago because those same bastards did it to me," I huffed. Shaking his head he grabbed the kit from his brother and carefully cleaned my wounds. "Anyone know you're here?" Masaki questioned. "No I had to sneak out," I sighed.
"All done, be careful now," Hiroto spoke cleaning things up. "Thanks," I whispered running a hand through my hair. Once he was done putting things away he sat on the table beside his brother. Both starring me down waiting for an explanation.
"How and why did Doubt go after you? Why do you seem rather injured prior to this fight? Why did you have to sneak out? And why come here instead of all your Hoodlum Squad friends?" Masaki rattled off.
Glancing over at him seeing the seriousness in his eyes before flicking my eyes to Hiroto, seeing the same look. Sighing running a hand through my hair again before leaning slighting forward. Running a hand over my face before taking in a breath.
"I went for a ride alone the other night. I stopped at an abandoned empty field, lighting up a smoke. While smoking I walked into the field screaming out all my pain and everything I've been holding in. When I turned back around that stupid black van was parked across the street from my bike. I called Tetsu and told him to stay on the phone before I went back to my bike. Then those bastards jumped out of the van and the fight was on. When they heard Tetsu and them coming someone sliced a knife across my side. I was taken to the diner where Cobra stitched me up. After that the next morning I was in a fight with some idiots making a ruckus. Those idiots broke open my stitches causing Tetsu to have to take me to the hospital. After that Cobra said no more fighting and I can't be going out alone since I'm being targeted. The hospital also said no fighting for two weeks, oops. I've been staying with Tetsu these past four days and it's killing me. I have no freedom it's like I'm a kid again," I huffed crossing my arms over my chest.
"Why are they after you?" Hiroto questioned. "It's Doubt why are they ever after a woman?" I countered. Sighing the two looked at each other before back at me. "Have you told anyone your relation with us yet? Or with Bernie?" Masaki questioned.
"God don't remind me. I just found out myself the connection I have to Bernie. Akemi is lucky her and I only share the same dad, she doesn't have a connection to Bernie," I huffed. "I'll take that as a no," He sighed while ruffling my hair.
"How am I supposed to tell all of Hoodlum Squad Akemi and I are half-sisters to Hiroto Amamiya, step-sisters to Takeru and Masaki Amamiya. Then drop on them "by the way only I'm the younger half sister of Bernie from that new gang Mighty Warriors." How the fuck do I say that?" I sighed throwing my hands up.
"Easy kid, you have time to tell them. Just tell them before someone else does. You've known your connection to us for almost a year now, it's time they know it," Masaki spoke.
"I know it is. Just ughhhh I don't want them to see me differently. I grew up alone with Akemi in Sannoh. We didn't get to grow up around you guys or with our parents. That's due to Akemi having an argument with mom though that led her to taking me with and mom just didn't follow. I was little at the time so I never remembered even having an older brother, I only ever knew and remembered Akemi. You know she didn't tell me till the two of you showed up on our doorstep asking about Takeru. It's not just that though Akemi doesn't even know I found out my connection with Bernie and I've known about that for a month now. I don't know what to do, or how to say it," I sighed holding my head.
"Breathe kid, you don't need to get so worked up," Hiroto huffed patting my shoulder. Before more could be said my phone started ringing. Sighing I reached over taking it from my jacket reading the name flashing across the screen, Cobra.
Swallowing hard before deciding to answer. "Where are you?" He questioned in a dangerous tone. "Out I needed air," I sighed. "You can't be alone I told you that," He snapped. "I can't do this right now Cobra, please just stop," I breathed running a hand through my hair.
"Where are you?" He questioned again. "Like I said I'm out. I needed time to be alone. I'm not a kid I can't just stay trapped in one place and have a chaperone," I huffed. "Akari you're being targeted, you're in danger. Just tell me where you are so I can send Tetsu to get you. Then we can talk once you're back at the diner," He snapped. "You might be my leader but you're not my father so stop acting like it!" I snapped feeling tears welling in my eyes. "Where-" He started getting cut off by me hanging up on him.
Tossing my phone to the side before looking at the brothers that gave me a look. "Don't look at me like that, he doesn't have the right to try and parent me," I huffed while standing up. Going towards the door being stopped by a hand grabbing my arm. "Where are you going?" Hiroto questioned. "To smoke, I have a pack in the bag on my bike," I huffed pulling my arm away and walking out.
Once out at my bike I quickly leaned against it pulling out a smoke and my lighter. Lighting it up and inhaling its toxins. Looking up at the sky breathing out feeling myself calm almost instantly. Keeping my eyes closed while I smoked and enjoyed the night air.
"If you aren't Hiroto or Masaki I'll kick your ass," I huffed hearing someone walking towards me. "Even if it's me?" A voice spoke. Opening my eyes seeing the last person I wanted too right now. Swear the universe truly hates me.

Beers & Bath Houses: A High & Low FanFiction: Tetsu FocusWhere stories live. Discover now