Chapter Eleven

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It's been three days since I've been here, meaning I can finally leave. Finally get to sleep in a good bed and not have an IV stuck in my arm. I was beyond happy to say the least.
       "Are you ready?" Bernie questioned coming into the room. "Beyond ready," I spoke giving a smile. Chuckling he slung his arm over my shoulder as we walked out.
      "I paid the medical cost so you don't need to worry about that," He spoke as we walked past the counter. "Thanks," I whispered while digging into my pocket. Pulling out a roll of cash handing it over to him.
      "Here for the medical cost and also me scaring you like I did," I stated as we made it outside. "I'm not taking your money. You're my sister I want to help you and protect you," He stated pushing the cash away. Sighing I put it back in my pocket as he helped me into his car.
      "Did I get blood on Pearl's seat the other night?" I questioned as he drove. "No, surprisingly you didn't," He assured flashing me a smile. Nodding I looked out the window watching all the buildings pass by until we were at the club. A smile coming to my face seeing my bike sitting out front.
      "There's a tracker on it now so I can find you. It's on your phone too, much like the ones your brothers have you use. If anything goes wrong just press on the app and we'll be notified," He spoke as we got out. "Thank you," I stated going over to the bike.
        All his friends coming over as I got on it. "You sure you should ride?" Ice questioned passing me my helmet. "Even if I shouldn't I am, I've missed riding. Thank you for everything all of you. After I get things settled back home I'll come by again," I stated while putting my helmet on.
      "You sure you'd still fight us?" Pearl questioned. "I'd still fight you I won't abandon my friends. After what they've done for me I can abandon them. Don't worry though, I'll go easy on you when we fight," I stated letting a chuckle escape.
    "Ride safe I don't wanna visit you in the hospital again," Bernie spoke patting my back. "You won't but if something goes wrong you'll know," I stated while starting up my bike. Looking over at everyone giving a wave before taking off.
     Quickly I left pressing myself against the bike as I made my way down different streets. Stopping just a couple blocks from my apartment. Looking over at the apartment building in front of me with a small smile.
    Getting off my bike going inside finding the landlords apartment. "What do you want?" The man spat. "Do you have an empty unit?" I questioned pulling out a roll of cash. "Second floor sixth door, here's the keys," He spoke handing me the keys and snagging the cash. "Thanks," I stated before leaving.
       Getting back on my bike taking off again. Getting to the apartment I shared with my sister and best friend. Sighing I headed inside seeing they were gone. Giving a small smile as I looked around before heading to my room.
      Grabbing out a bag quickly packing up all my clothes and then another bag for all my important things. Once done I tossed my key on the table and left. Going back down to my bike taking off to my new place.
      Once I got there I pulled out my phone calling Tetsu. "Hey Tetsu, I'll be by in a bit to get my things from the room. I don't want to burden you any longer by staying with you," I spoke. "But you're in the hospital," He replied. "I got out today and I'm already at my new apartment. I'll be by later," I spoke before hanging up.
    Opening up my new place taking a look around while sighing. Home sweet home I guess. Dropping my bags on the ground while taking a seat on the kitchen counter. Pulling out my phone again this time going down to my contacts number.
    "How can I help you Akari?" They spoke. "Can you help me with getting furniture? I got a new place and just got out of the hospital," I spoke. "Sending me the address everything will be there within the hour. As for any payment that'll be settled with the next job," They stated before ending the call.
     Nodding I sent the address before deciding to message Bernie.
     I have a new place I'll send you the address so you don't end up going to the old one. 12:00
Address sent 12:01

B🎶: Thanks for telling me, but why a new place? Do you need help setting it up? 12:30

No I got it thanks though. I need to move out I can't stay with my sister tensions are tight between her and I, plus my best friend. 12:32

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