Chapter Seven

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"Akari get up," Someone whispered while shaking me. Groaning I cuddled more into Tetsu keeping my eyes closed. "Akari we have to go," They spoke again shaking me. "Five more minutes," I mumbled.
Next thing I knew I was all but thrown on the floor, after Tetsu and I had ice cold water dumped on us. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Tetsu and I yelled looking towards the culprit. Seeing Masaki standing there with a wide smile and an empty cup.
"MASAKI!" I yelled getting up and running after him. Only to be stopped by Hiroto grabbing me by the arm and pulling me back. "Go get changed we have to go," He spoke giving me a look. "I'm getting pay back later," I huffed before stomping up stairs.
   Getting to my room pulling out a red front lace up crop top, my leather jacket, and black cargo pants. Quickly changing into the clothes and doing a simple makeup look. Collecting the rest of my things and heading downstairs. "I'll be back later Tetsu. Don't worry if anything happens my brothers will be there," I stated while slipping into my heeled boots.
    Quickly going out to my bike taking a deep breath before taking off. Glancing back seeing my brothers staying just a little ways behind me. Swallowing hard I focused back on the road speeding up.
    After a bit of driving I came to a stop in front of the club. Seeing a few different sports cars parked outside causing me to take another breath. Getting off my bike heading inside with a rather messy mind.
Upon entering I was greeted to soft music being played while all of Mighty Warriors were lounging around. My eyes landing on Bernie right away sitting next to a man with tan skin and blonde hair.
"Bernie I'm here," I called walking further into the club. Catching everyone's attention as I made my way over to Bernie. Catching the other four men checking me out causing me to glare daggers.
"Keep looking at me like that I'll blind you," I spat glaring at his friends before turning to my brother. "And what might your name be?" The man next to my brother questioned, looking me up and down. "Akari, figured my brother would've told you," I remarked turning back to my brother.
"Let me introduce you to everyone," He spoke stepping forward. "Then can we have our talk?" I questioned softly. Getting a nod in return before he placed a hand on my shoulder. "This here is Ice he's the leader of our crew. Over there is Pearl and 9. Then we have Ryu next to Sarah," He introduced pointing to everyone.
"I'm Akari, Bernie's half younger sister, nice to meet you all," I spoke giving a wave to Sarah. "Let's go upstairs to the office," Bernie spoke leading us away. "Yo, Bernie next time tell us you have a hot sister!" 9 called after us.
"None of you have a chance in hell!" I called back down before walking into the office with Bernie. Taking a seat in a chair he put water in front of me, while taking his seat. "Sorry about them, I'll tell them to stop hitting on you," He spoke giving me a soft smile.
"It's fine I mean I'm only here cause our dad fucked my mom," I huffed crossing my arms. "Give me a chance at least. I know I'm not a good person but I want to form a bond with you. You're my younger sister after all," He spoke.
"I know what you guys do. I'm not saying I'm any better I've done things, but your crew is in the mafias pocket. The same one trying to take over the area I grew up in," I sighed.
"I can protect you from it though. Make sure you don't get hurt," He reasoned. "I'm not abandoning my friends! I'm a member of Hoodlum Squad, I'm not abandoning them! They were there for me when no one else was!" I spat standing up.
"Akari sit down please. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you growing up. I only found out about you a year ago, and you aren't the easiest person to find," He spoke coming over to me.
"Dad abandoned me and my mom. He just up and left without a word. My mom told me about how dad just walked out in the middle of the night. I didn't have a parent to lean on when I needed all I had was my older sister. I didn't know my brothers, didn't know my dad. So you can't blame me for being hard to find or reacting how I am," I sighed running a hand through my hair.
"Dad was a horrible person still is from what I know. I'm not great either but I'm better than he is. I'm here now you finally have your older brother plus the other two you're related too. I know I'm late, but I'm still here," He spoke pulling me into a hug.
"I want to be there for you Akari. I want to protect you and be a big brother to you. Will you give me the chance to do that please?" He questioned looking down at me.
Sighing I hugged him back nodding my head. "I want to hate you but you make it hard to. Just know if a fight happens I'm standing with my friends. You might be my brother but I'll still fight you," I stated in a soft tone.
"Let's exchange numbers then so we can stay in contact. You should stay tonight for a bit we can get to know each other more. You can see me work and get to know my friends," He spoke pulling away.
Pulling out my phone passing it to him while giving him a look. "Give any of your friends besides Sarah my number I'll break your legs," I threatened getting a chuckle in return. "I won't give it to them promise," He spoke passing the phone back to me. Holding out my pinky to him getting a smirk as he wrapped his around mine and connected our thumbs.
Just as we were walking back downstairs my phone started ringing drawing everyone's attention. "What?" I questioned stopping at the bottom of the stairs. "Tetsu said you left again come by the diner so we can talk. After last night we need to talk things out," Cobra spoke from the other end.
"I'm busy tonight but I'm safe don't worry. I have things to explain to everyone anyways, just not tonight," I sighed running a hand through my hair. "We're talking tonight everyone's already here, come home," He ordered. "I'm busy, but don't worry we'll talk and I'll make sure to rest later too," I stated getting ready to end the call.
"Come back or you're out of Hoodlum Squad," He spat ending the call. Closing my eyes and taking a deep breath trying to compose myself. "What's wrong?" Bernie questioned next to me.
Opening my eyes walking out in front of everyone. "I'll come by another time to talk with everyone but for now I have to go. Like I said to Bernie earlier if you go against Hoodlum Squad I'll still fight you, I won't abandon them. It was nice meeting you all," I spoke going to leave.
"Where are you going?" Bernie questioned. "To murder my leader," I spat storming out of the club. Tucking my phone back in my pocket before getting on my bike. Ignoring my helmet before taking off. Blowing past my brothers on the side of the road, as I raced at dangerous speeds towards the dinner.
It wasn't long before my brothers caught up to me both flashing me a look, that I ignored. Coming to a screeching halt outside the diner. Taking a deep breath before heading inside with my brothers.

Beers & Bath Houses: A High & Low FanFiction: Tetsu FocusWhere stories live. Discover now