Chapter Two

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Going into my apartment seeing my sister asleep on the couch, my best friend sleeping on ther floor next to her. Closing the door shaking my head while turning out the lights, making my way into my room. Dropping my bag by my bed while taking my phone from my pocket calling Tetsu.
    "Where are you?" He answered. "Hello to you to sir. I'm home and about to get changed, need to see?" I questioned while grabbing my pajamas. "Next time wait for Chiharu or I so we can take you home," He sighed. "Okay dad," I huffed before ending the call.
     Tossing my phone to the side stripping off my bloody clothes. Walking into the bthroom grabbing a damp cloth, wiping my body down. Tossing the cloth to the side, slipping a baggy tattered shirt over my head and shorts over my battered legs.

  Laying down grabbing my phone seeing a message from Tetsu. "Chiharu or I will pick you up in the morning,"It read causing a sigh to escape my lips. Replying with a thumbs up before putting it on my nightstand. Laying there staring into space as my body ached.
    After five hours of laying there I decided to get up going over to my closet pulling out some jeans, my black tattered tee shirt, and leather jacket. Taking my pajamas off before changing into my new clothes.
      Grabbing my wallet, phone, and keys before leaving my room. Slipping my shoes on quickly leaving the house seeing the dark sky outside. Pulling out my phone looking at the time, 4am it read causing me to sigh. Looking at my bike shaking my head before walking down the street to the 7/11.
       Going in grabbing a beer and an ice coffee, paying before leaving. Looking around before starting to walking, letting my feet carry me where they wanted me to go. Opening my beer taking a drink sighing as it burned the back of my throat. Stopping where I was looking next to me seeing Tetsu's apartment.
     So this is where my feet took me. To the one person who will kill me for coming out alone and not waiting for him or Chiharu. Stupid feet. Sighing I walked up to the door raising my hand to knock before shaking my head, deciding against it.

  Sitting on the ground leaning against the wall next to the door letting out a groan. Looking up at the sky while I finished the rest of my beer, tossing the now empty can in my bag. Breathing in the air as a cool breeze brushed against my skin. Taking out my coffe while watching the sky slowly start to change colors.
     Seeing the sun start coming out as I was about to open my coffee, stopping when I heard a ruckus down the street. Sitting my coffe to the side getting up walking out to the street. Looking down it seeing three guys kicking over cans, spewing trash all over.
     "Oi! Stop causing a mess on someone elses turf," I yelled walking towards them. "Ehh, looks like we have a girl to play with," One stated causing the other two to chuckle. Rolling my eyes as they stopped in front of me. The blonde chuckling while reaching out to grab me, causing me to push him a way and take a step back.
      "Don't touch me," I seethed glaring at them. "Grab her," He stated causing the red head and dreads to lung for me. Side stepping dreads while throwing a punch at the red head. "Tetsu!" I screamed backing up towards his door. Kicking dreads back as he swung at me.
    "Tetsu!" I screamed banging on his door. Getting kicked in the gut as I turned around to face them. Stumbling back while glaring at them. "Bastards," I mumbled as the blonde stalked towards me, flipping open a knife. "Tetsu!" I yelled once more while getting punched in my stitches.
    Falling to the ground holding my side while trying to catch my breath. Looking up at the blonde as he thrusted his knife at me. Rolling to the side out of the way, barely avoiding it. "Bastards," I growled while standing up. Punching the red head in the gut, then kneeing dreads in the groin, as I heard Tetsu's door open.
    "Tetsu get your ass out here!" I yelled barely avoiding the knife again. Quickly coming to his senses rushing out kicking the blonde away from me, before punching him in the temple knocking him out. Taking care of the other two rather quickly before coming over to me while I barely held myself up.

  "Akari why are you here?" He questioned helping me inside, sitting me on his couch. "I couldn't sleep so I went to the 7/11 to get a beer and coffee," I stated while staring at him. "Next time just wake me up when you get here. That way whatever that was doesn't happen," He stated while looking me over.
    "I think they broke open my stitches," I stated slimping my jacket off, groaning as I did so. "I'll get the first-aid kit," He sighed while disappearing into a different room. "You actually have one of those?" I questioned as he returned with it, sitting down next to me again.
     "Yeah, I started keeping one after meeting you," He chuckled while helping me get my shirt off. "Yeah those are broke open," I commented looking at the bloody bandages. Throwing my head back before standing up pressing my shirt to my side. "Take me to the hospital," I sighed stumbling to the door.
      Tetsu quickly following behind me, placing my jacket over my shoulders, zipping it up. We both got on his bike before speeding off to the hospital. Getting off and going inside with Tetsu helping me walk, getting the attention of a nurse that took us into a room.
    "Remove the jacket," She stated while putting gloves on. Glancing at Tetsu as he got up unzipping it, letting it fall off of me, while I laid on the bed. Taking my shirt off my side throwing it in the trash, grabbing Tetsu's hand.
     "How did this happen?" She questioned while cleaning the area. "I was attacked on my way home," I replied wincing as she took the old stitches out.Taking slow breaths as she began restitching it, squeezing Tetsu's hand with my eyes clenched shut.
    "I'm finished, you can get dressed now and then pay the bill," She stated while placing a bandage over the stitches. "Thank you," I stated slipping my jacket back on my arms. "You need to rest for a few weeks while it heals," She stated before leaving.

Getting up walking out the door, Tetsu trailing behind me as I went to pay the bill. "That means you can't fight," Tetsu commented while standing next to me. "I know what it means," I huffed paying the bill before walking out the door. Standing next to his bike as he laughed while glancing at me.
     "What's so funny?" I questioned with a raised brow. "You like fighting so much you're pissed you have to rest," He chuckled while we got on his bike, taking off. Pulling up in front of the diner seeing Yamato's and Cobra's bikes out front. Getting off walking inside taking a seat with Tetsu trailing in behind me.
     "You look worse than yesterday," Yamato commented while looking me over. "She fought again. We just got back from the hospital," Tetsu commented taking a seat across from me. "Hospital? What happened?" Cobra questioned while staring at me.
     "Bastards broke open my stitches. I just had to get them fixed and now I have to rest for a few weeks," I huffed crossing my arms over my chest. "No more fighting," Cobra ordered while walking over to me.
     "Tetsu watch over her," He huffed before leaving. "I guess I'll stay with you for a few weeks," I spoke looking at Tetsu, who gave me a nod in return.

Beers & Bath Houses: A High & Low FanFiction: Tetsu FocusWhere stories live. Discover now