Chapter Eight

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"How dare you threaten to kick me out of Hoodlum Squad! I was busy tonight I might be recovering but I still have things to do! I'm not a kid anymore stop acting like I am!" I spat storming up to Cobra.
"Why are they with you?" He questioned eyeing my brothers that stood by the door. "Because they're my brothers!" I snapped. Everything in the room became deathly silent causing me to realize what I had just said.
"Fuck! You weren't supposed to find out like this," I sighed gripping my head. "They're your what?" Yamato questioned stepping forward. "My brothers, I've been meaning to tell you guys just didn't know how. Akemi and I have the same mom as Hiroto, we're his half sisters and the step-sisters to Masaki and Takeru," I explained.
My eyes trailing over to Tetsu who gave me a small smile. Taking a deep breath feeling tears starting to come to my eyes. "That's not all," I whispered. "What else," Cobra spoke eyeing me.
"Akemi and I have different dads. My dad happens to be the father of Bernie from Mighty Warriors, making me Bernie's half-sister," I sighed as a tear fell.
"I found out about Hiroto and Masaki almost a year ago and needed time to process. I found out about Bernie a month ago just before I was going to tell you all my connection to the Amamiya's. After finding out about Bernie I needed more time to process so I took it. I didn't mean to hide anything but I needed time, and I was scared. Scared you'd all see me differently or turn away from me, exile me. I was scared I'd lose all of you and I didn't want that, but I didn't want to keep secrets either. So here I am telling you now," I spoke as more tears fell.
"Where were you tonight?" Cobra questioned. "Meeting with Bernie, he wanted to talk things out about us being related," I whispered dropping my head. "And when we have to fight them what are you going to do?" Yamato questioned.
"Fight obviously, I already told Bernie I'm apart of Hoodlum Squad and I'll fight against him. I won't abandon my friends, my home," I spoke as more tears fell ruining my makeup by now.
"You can't help who you're related to, we don't pick our parents. Just don't forget where you belong," Cobra spoke while standing. "I won't," I stated before him and Yamato pulled me in for a hug.
Our little moment being ruined by my phone ringing, again. "Yeah?" I answered stepping away from everyone. "I have a job for you," My contact spoke. Flashing my eyes over at the other before heading outside to finish the call.
"What's the job?" I questioned leaning against my bike. "We have a shipment coming in tonight. I need you to help guard it. Once you get to the warehouse you'll get paid," They spoke. "Send me the location I'll head there now," I spoke before ending the call.
Walking back inside to Yamato and Hiroto basically at each others thoughts. "Cool it you two. I have to leave I have a job," I spoke stealing a bite of Tetsu's food before leaving. Looking down at my phone seeing the locations causing a groan to escape me.
    Tucking my phone away before taking off. It's gonna be a long night at this rate. Quickly I sped towards the location hoping that it's just an easy job. Hoping I won't get taken or hurt yet again.
   Shaking my head free of any negative thoughts as I got closer to the location. After a bit longer I came to a halt seeing people loading a truck with bundles. Getting off my bike walking over to the men seeing a friend of my contact there. "Asahi good seeing you again. I'll ride with as protection yet again," I spoke standing beside him.
    "That man trust you too much I think. There's a good chance this could go sideways, keep your head on a swivel," He spoke patting my shoulder before going over to the other men. Sighing I went over to my bike finally deciding to strap on my helmet.
    Once the truck was loaded up I started up my bike, riding along next to the truck. Keeping my head on a swivel like I was told. Catching a glimpse of a suspicious car coming up behind us.
    Looking back over my shoulder seeing four bikes come out from behind the car. Groaning I sped up signaling the truck driver to go faster before slowing down. Using my bike to run another biker off the road while speeding after the other three.
    Why the hell am I the only protection on this job. This isn't a one person job. God this man puts too much faith in me. Running another bike off the road before swerving as bullets started spraying past me.
    Moving around the truck up next to another bike carefully reaching over managing to hit their kill switch sending them fly off the bike as I dropped back. Moving over to the last bike narrowly missing bullets as I did so. Swerving around on the road dodging bullets from the car before managing to kick the last biker from their bike.
    Once I saw the truck finally starting to disappear from sight I turned around heading for the car. Keeping myself practically pressing against the bike as I got closer to them. Taking a deep breath before lunching my bike at them and bailing.
    Tumbling along the ground for a while before finally stopping. Taking my helmet off before catching my breath and getting to my feet. Slowly going over to where my bike was grabbing the keys sighing at the shape it was now in. Well guess I'm walking the rest of the way, or well limping.
    Sighing seeing everyone knocked out or injured, shouldn't try to hijack a shipment. Shaking my head I started limping down the road. Leaning up against a building I past along the way to get a breath.
    After a bit of walking I finally made it to the warehouse. Seeing Asahi standing out front watching me with concern eyes. "Are you okay?" He questioned coming over to me. "I think so," I whispered out of breath.
   Once he got me inside he sat me on a chair before disappearing. Coming back a few moments later with four stacks of cash. "Here's your payment. And here's some bandages," He spoke pulling bandages from his jacket pocket.
  "Thanks," I spoke stuffing the money in my pocket while getting up. Glancing around seeing a bathroom off to the side. Going over to it with slow steps. Finally reaching it going in locking the door. Peeling my jacket off groaning as I did so. Seeing a through and through bullet wound on my shoulder.
    "Tetsu, Cobra, everyone is gonna kill me," I muttered. Groaning I opened a couple bandages putting them over my wound. Tugging the jacket back on before leaving the bathroom. Seeing Asahi waiting for me.
    "Take the bike out front we owe you that much for having to lose yours," He spoke nodding to the sports bike outside. "Thanks," I stayed limping over to it. Pulling out my phone checking the time, 02:00 it read.
   My best bet will probably be going to Bernie since he's the closest from here. Groaning I started the bike making my way back to the club. I swear this wasn't the way I wanted our first interaction going after I said I'd give him the chance to be my brother.

Beers & Bath Houses: A High & Low FanFiction: Tetsu FocusWhere stories live. Discover now