Chapter Thirteen

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The next day was spent at the diner with the boys. Turning to the side causing my hair to move away from my neck. "WHEN DID YOU GET A HICKEY!" Chiharu shouted pointing to my neck. My eyes flashing over to Tetsu for a moment before over to Chiharu.
"It just appeared," I chuckled going back to eating my food. Watching Chiharu look between Tetsu and I before slamming his hands down on the table, drawing everyone's attention. "YOU TWO SLEPT TOGETHER?!" He shouted pointing between us with wide eyes.
Earning a chuckle from me, snickers from the others, and a punch to the arm from Tetsu. "Is it that shocking?" I questioned with a raised brow. "So you actually did sleep together!" He exclaimed. "Yeah, in my new place. It was great Tetsu has great stamina. Pretty sure my new neighbors hate us," I stated taking my dishes back to the kitchen for Naomi.
"The scrappers are back!" Dan shouted running into the diner. Groaning I left the dishes and ran out with the others. Quickly we all hopped on our bikes and took off towards where they would be.
Seeing a sea of black clothes coming for us caused a groan to leave me. I was the first one off my bike and rushing them. Taking a punch to the gut as I did so. "Akari!" The others called making their way towards me.
Quickly I made my way deeper into the crowd of scrappers. Taking his left and right as quickly as I was landing them. Once I was completely separated from the others that's when it happened. I was hit in the back of the head causing my vision to blur as my body weakened.
"Akari!" Tetsu yelled for me. "Tetsu," I whispered while holding my head. Feeling someone grab me, throwing me into a car. The sounds of fighting moving further and further away until it became silent. "Sleep tight princess," Someone spoke before I took a punch to the face. Just like that I faded into a darkness.

I woke up sometime later after water was thrown on me. The sounds of other scared girls found my ears. Dim light found my eyes as they cracked open. "Where am I?" I questioned aloud while looking around.
Seeing other girls huddled together to the side with Doubt men guarding them. Looking to the other side seeing that stupid blonde come into view. "Should've known it was you, you stupid scum bag," I hissed glaring at him.
Fighting against my restraints he walked forward while chuckling. "You're never going to escape, no one's going to save you," He spoke grabbing my face. "My brothers and friends will kill you," I spat earning a slap.
"No one knows where you are," He chuckled. "My brothers will find me, they always do," I huffed while eyeing him. Chuckling he pulled me up from the ground, pushing me into the arms of a Doubt henchmen. "Take her to sit with the other one," He spat before the man drug me away.
Once outside I looked around noticing we were close to the club. With everything in me I let out a scream. "BERNIE! BERNIE! BERNIE!" I screamed until I was punched. "Shut up! You stupid bitch!" He hissed before shoving me into a different container.
Trying to stop the door before it closed with no luck. "Let me out! Let me out of here you bastard!" I shouted while banging on the door. "It's no use they won't open it," A girl spoke from beside me. Looking down I saw her huddled in a corner, wearing a green army jacket.
"That's a Rude Boys jacket," I commented while taking a seat in front of her. "Yeah I'm Lala, from Nameless City," She replied giving a small smile. "Your brother is Smoky, I've heard about you before. You caused that misunderstanding with Dan before," I commented. "Sorry about that," She spoke scratching her neck.
"Don't sweat it, it's in the past. I'll get us out of here and if I don't my brothers will," I spoke giving a smile. "We can't get out," She sighed. "The next time the door opens I'll attack and you run," I stated. Getting a simple nod in return. We went over the plan of how I'd attack and when she runs she needs to get up high, to get an advantage on them.
Sighing I heard someone coming towards the door causing me to stand in my spot. Instead of the door opening however there was a slot in it that was unlocked and opened. Two sandwiches and bottles of water were slipped through before it was slammed closed.
Sighing I grabbed a water and passed the rest over to the Lala. "You should eat you'll need the strength to run," I spoke sipping on my water. "Where do we go to the bathroom at?" She questioned. "The bucket they put in the corner," I stated pointing to it.
Once everything fell silent I resting against the wall letting myself drift off.

Beers & Bath Houses: A High & Low FanFiction: Tetsu FocusOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant