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As the stale air hung heavy in the dimly lit room, a tense silence settled over us like a suffocating shroud. My heart hammered in my chest, each beat a frantic plea for escape from the clutches of the man who had once been my friend and professor, now revealed as the mastermind behind my nightmare-Adrian Salvatore, the American Mafia boss.

Just when I thought all hope was lost, the heavy door creaked open, revealing the imposing figures of Vincenzo and Lorenzo. My ex-boyfriend, Vincenzo, a skilled doctor and a man of unwavering determination, stood tall and resolute beside his brother Lorenzo, the Italian Mafia boss. Their presence filled the room with an electric tension, crackling with the promise of confrontation.

Adrian's smirk faltered for the briefest moment as he assessed the newcomers, a flicker of uncertainty crossing his features before he regained his composure. "Ah, Vincenzo and Lorenzo," he greeted with false cordiality, his voice dripping with disdain. "To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?"

Vincenzo's gaze hardened, his jaw clenched with barely contained fury. "You know damn well why we're here, Adrian," he spat, his voice a low growl. "Release her. Now."

"Let's talk," Adrian hummed, and started walking towards a particular direction with my hands held with his. I did not wish to move a bit, but was dragged by him effortlessly. My discomfort was evident and before, Vincenzo could come to my direction, Adrian's men with loaded guns appeared right around them, nudging them to move forward to Adrian's direction.

He compelled us to walk to an particular direction through a dusty corridor. Walls were painted black and I was trying my best to remember everything I could in order to escape. Previously I tried to change Lorenzo's mind by commenting that he didn't kill me even when he had the chance to do so. However judging by the sick games and disguise he managed to pull over all of us, it was evident that he didn't feel the need to change his mind. There was almost 0.0001 % survival rate for us.

We walked some more, until we saw few men standing at the end of the corridor and there was a large door made of what it felt like Oakwood. The doors were opened for us, and Adrian stepped in. The ambience of the place, changed all of a sudden. Previously we were in a place which felt like some old, abandoned factory or warehouse however right now, it was completely different and sleak. From where was I standing at the entrance, it felt like a board room or a metting room in large multinational corporations. There were high chairs, a long, elongated glass table and plants adding onto the aesthetic. I wondered how did it even made sense.

Adrian sat at a main chair, situated at the front of glass table and dragged me on the seat right beside him

"Please take on a seat, gentlemen," He smirked, pointed at the other end of the table.

"Adrian," Lorenzo greeted his teeth, "Whatever deal, it's supposed to be between two houses. Leave my brother and his wife out of this."

"Sit," Adrian commanded.

Lorenzo still didn't move. However Vincenzo walked past Lorenzo and sat down on the other end of the table. I was taken aback by his actions.

"What is the deal?" He questioned, and his voice seemed deeper than usual.

"Now we are talking," Adrian nodded, "The deal is with the devil. I get to keep both of your lives and give you the choice to let one of your girlfriends live, and kill the other one. Oh and Lorenzo," he tilted his head to Lorenzo who stood standing, "Lily is not Vincenzo's wife."

"I wish to negotiate," Vincenzo commented back, "my life, my entire property worth 340 billion dollars, and you spare the lives of my brother, his fiancee and my lover, Lily."

Unlovable Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant