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And here you guys go,  the one and only POV that everyone will love reading—

Adrian Salvatore

"No master."

"Say that again," I mused,  playing with a gun,  my most favorite gun which I used to shot Lorenzo and his new biťch, a girl named Elena.

My man looked down, almost shivering. How clever of them to assume that I was going to use my gun at anytime now.

After that good for nothing event,  where I wanted to murder every single one in the auditorium,  I was highly pissed. I did not have any idea that acting like a professor would be so difficult and vile. I thought it would be a matter of hours to finish the existence of a certain girl and return back to my empire New York, but things did not go as I planned. For the first time in my whole life,  the plans of Don Adrian Salvatore,  King of the American Mafia did not accelerate to success. It gave me another reason to kill my men. 

"No master,  there has been no errors in the information that we got from our sources, " he repeated with a crackling voice that annoyed me greatly, and now my wish was to shoot his tongue. 

"Master," Jenny, my left hand,  and the woman who was my most cherished pet spoke up,  "Lily Evans is the girl,  there's no doubt in that.  She is Vincenzo Genesis' girlfriend,  and they have been together in LA for the past two months. She is the one because of whom,  madam Maria was killed. She is in this picture."

She took out the picture, which I had seen countless times,  from her pocket and placed it on the table in front of us.  Here I was,  escaping from my duties of taking a bunch of annoying kids to a damn museum. They were supposed to be studying and doing masters but they are busy fuckìng with each other.  While they were stuffing their faces with those rubbish food, I had a time to visit my second base at one house in the Havard Square.  I bought it the moment I realized I had to stay longer to solve this puzzle known as Lily Evans.

Her picture was right in front of my eyes,  it was the first time I saw her. She was standing in front of Vincenzo,  taking the bullet for him.  The fear in her eyes were almost unrecognizable because of the determination and strength she had.  My work was simple:  to destroy the Italian Mafia and finish doctor Vincenzo. I was this close in killing Lorenzo until his biťch was shot in place of him. I still shot one bullet that pierced his neck. We were allies, well we pretended to be allies as long as Maria was pretending to be their family.  My only target from the very beginning was to end the brothers,  but Maria wanted to destroy them first. In that war that she wanted to wage,  she was the one who lost. Infact still now,  Lorenzo Genesis does not have any idea of who I really was. Apart from my plan of killing Lorenzo,. My next plan was to ruin Vincenzo Genesis by killing his girlfriend, Lily Evans. My next plan was to ruin Vincenzo Genesis by killing his girlfriend, Lily Evans

I stared at Lily's picture on the table,  and couldn't help but stare more.  It had been just few hours since I met her,  and I have realised that there has been some sort of mistake,  some sort of miscalculations. As much as I have known her,  from determining the results from our communications so far,  I cannot believe she is the one because of whom Maria was killed. 

Yes, she was in this picture. Yes, she was saving Vincenzo,  the man I wanted to ruin. Yet when I met her,  she did not even seem interested to meet Vincenzo.  The only relationship she had with him was her sponsorship for being a good student with she was.  There was nothing that could prove that she was Vincenzo Genesis' girlfriend.  Infact I heard Vincenzo was dating a girl who was also doing masters in romantic literature with Lily. Her name was Crystal Demero.

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