. 11.

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Of course.

How could I forget,  the ever charismatic,  the most significant person making headlines because of his medical contributions.  If he would have been a politician by now,  I bet people would have elected him as the president of the country.  The youngest,  most successful doctor,  people kissed the land he walked upon. He got respect without demanding it,  while I would not even get a free cupcake for real.  Of course he would be the guest of honour.  I must have known the moment he was here.  What a chauvinistic,  arrogant and full person—

And yet,  I could not deny the authority and power that oozed out off his body while he walked on the stage surrounded by claps that echoed inside the hall like trumpets. His strides were long and confident,  as if he knew the value he held and the magnitude of strength he had over the people inside the auditorium. It reminded me of my graduation.  He was there too, as a chief guest and,  I was there too, as a student.  He was cleaned shaved, and his eyes shone like the most precious stones.  He was wearing a tuxedo, his typical black ones,  and goodness he looked astonishingly marvelous.  I saw him this morning,  but now when he was the centre of attention in an auditorium full of ten thousand students, he looked so different.  I could not believe my mind that just few hours ago,  he denied straight on my face that he had a girlfriend. 

"Good morning,  Harvard," his deep voice boomed from the music boxes installed at the corners neatly. The lights fell on the man of honour and his words felt like silk, it always did. 

"I was not fortunate enough to study in Harvard, but you all are.  I was not equipped with enough knowledge from my teachers and professors when I was at your age,  but you all are.  I was not social enough to do well in university,  but you all are. Some of you might say now,  but doc, you earn more than any of us do,  in terms of money,  respect,  fame: everything.  Why is it that in connection to the fact that you were not like us?  Let me take the pride in answering you.  I am what I am today,  because of my skills.  When I see a patient,  I know what to do.  When I am told their problems,  I know what to do,  and that was all I ever had. My point of telling you this,  is because you all don't only have abundance of resources and skill enhancements, but you have the knowledge too.  This is what that will make you greater than what I am today," he smiled boyishly. 

The assistant professor who was assuringly the host of today’s event caught hold of another microphone and started.

"So true,  Doctor,  so true," he agreed, "you said what we wanted to hear,  thank you. We shall now request you to take a seat on the Chief Guest row. "

He strode down with long steps filled with assurance.  His eyes did not flinched. His body language and posture was so strong that it was oozing out energy. I felt a pinch of grief realizing that he was no more my man.  He was not what I called, mine. 

"I am not a fan of boring shows like this, " all of a sudden,  a voice behind my back spoke,  and I was left startled. That same recognizable, annoying voice. I  was out of breath and flabbergasted when I noticed Adri — I meant professor Adrian was sitting right behind me. I was surprised and utterly shocked that him being a professor,  he was still sitting with normal students in between us. I quickly turned in front and bobbed my head sideways. Much to my realization,  the professors were scattered along with their students and some of them were sitting down with the students,  like the one behind my back.

"Well, then why did you send me to one when I was not willing to come? " I whispered high enough for him to hear and  low enough so the students sitting behind me and around him won't hear. I did not want to catch any attention, particularly inside a room where Vincenzo was present and also an important part of it.

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