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Right here in front of my eyes. Everything happened right in front of my eyes.

I am the controller of the biggest organised crime in Europe. I am the mafia myself. With my one single gesture, hundreds of criminals were created and destroyed. There was no business that I did not do. No pages left to unturned. My father was a mob boss, correct, but he was never as strong as I had become. He was given a choice between life and mafia, and he chose mafia. He was given a choice between allys and foes, and she chose enmity. I was given none. Being brutally scratched away from the bosoms of my mother, I was pushed into the dark abyss of this dreadful so-called business.

Life never felt amazing ever since then. Life never felt haunted ever since then.

I was used to this pain,this pleasure. Watching my brother run away, my sister taking her last breath and my mother dying in my arms, I knew how cruel life was to me. There was a murder scene in my heart. I loved and hated people like a monster I was. Ever since then, I grew crime like a passion. I killed, I ruined, and I ruled. This was my life, a life of a mafia don in Italy. All darkness and no light, if I had to be poetic. When I was a child, I dreamt of being a teacher in a school. And here I was being a cold blooded murderer no where to be. My life was confined in crime and mafia.

And then she happened.

Elena came into my life like that strong wave during tides. She was ferocious. She wanted to kill me even before she met me, and the irony to the whole situation was the fact that she hired one of my men to kill me. They day I told Elena that if she didn't kill me, I would finish her instead. And she promised she would.

Since that day, she started killing me little by little. She killed the monster inside me when she accidentally went on a date with me. She killed me little by little when even after throwing her out of my house, she rushed to help me in need. She killed me when she was with a little kid who was planning to take her away from me. Little did he know I was a sadist for her love. She killed me when she first kissed me right after I fucked some whø=ë. I could only wished I didn't waste myself like that.

It was at one point I realised I wanted my shitty life to be spend with her. I wanted her to be cruel to me but all she offered me was kindness. And when I was ready to express my love for her, she left me because of my mistakes.

Yet I was able to win her back. Hell, for her I was ready to leave mafia behind. I was ready to worship Elena all my life. I wanted to grow with her and I knew with the kind of life I had, it was next to impossible. Mafia and crime might be fantasized by some teen girls in Wattpad novels but in real, it was an inescapable trap. People needed to stop romancing our work and get back to reality. This was horror. Not everyone was Elena.  One more reason why I envied Vincenzo was the fact that he could live a life of normalcy with Lily, without the fear of getting her killed.

Not unless the fúçking Salvatores were finished.

How could I miss it? How could I miss that the most trusted friend of ours, the American mafia was none other than the family of Maria Salvatore. Adrian Salvatore, the inhuman name of brutality was Maria's brother, and it took us so long to realise that. It took us too long that it was today we got to know that Maria's father, Gusteff Salvatore, who was our father's so called ally had another son elder to Maria, who he sent in America with his mother. Adrian grew his own empire there, and his father's connections helped. The Americans were good friends, I knew Adrian Salvatore from a time. He was known for his psychotic ways to humiliating and killing. While I killed when necessary, Adrian killed for fun. Never in my mind it crossed that he was Maria's brother.

So when Maria Salvatore was killed by the Italian mafia, Adrian Salvatore sworn to finish my entire legacy of Genesis's.

It included the women of both brothers.

Today we realised it, but it was too late. That day, Adrian assigned snipers all over our palace and before the bullet could hit me, Elena stepped in front unintentionally, to show me the wedding dress she was picking. She was smiling one moment and the next moment, she was bleeding. Her spinal cord was almost destroyed by the bullet. The next shot was targetted on me properly, which could only bruise my shoulder and arm. It was the different story that those snipers were fed to death, but it took us too much time to recover.

The same day, three of my illegal factories were blasted. The shock was too much. The after effects was disastrous. Elena was fighting to survive and I was trying to secure everything around me. I was recovering from my personal and professional losses.

And today I finally knew the mastermind behind all this.

Alas I couldn't save my brother. I knew both Vincenzo and Lily's phone were trapped and unless I hired a cyber security to secure their phones, I wasn't able to inform what exactly was happening to us. There was no way to reach them.

I could only inform someone was behind, and the risks increased by the fact that they were both in America. I could finally tell Vincenzo who was the mastermind behind all this. Today Elena opened her eyes. Today I was feeling myself again.

"Call my brother," I ordered one of my men as I wore my tuxedo back on.

"Yes don," One of them replied and I could hear the original keypad dial tones. I needed to tell everything to my brother. He was in more danger than I was at this point of moment.

"Ciao," he answered in just few rings, "Not in a mood to talk to you but I hope Elena is recovering well. The doctors there under me have kept me informed about her."

"I am in a mood to kill you but unfortunately, both of us can't really do what's our moods," I reported back, "Why are you being a dick?"

"What else should I be when my fucking girlfriend is breaking up with me and hanging out with an older professor of hers who looks like a red flag to me."

"Professor? Why did you let her watch Miller's Girl?" I questioned immediately. That didn't sound right to me either.

"What is that shit?" He blew off my doubt.

"Nothing, forget I said that. Tell me how is Lily? Okay physically apart from leaving a jerk like you?" I asked.

"Are you on my side or hers?"

"Obviously hers, is that even a question?" I smiled lightly, and wiped off my blood stained hands, "there is something important I want you to know Vincenzo."

There are silence from his side, then he replied, "I am listening."

"I have found out about our enemy. The one causing all this shit to both of us and our to be's. He is the Don of the American mafia."

"But they were our friends," he immediately remembered.

"They were never. He is the son of Gusteff Salvatore and Maria's brother. When Maria was killed, this man went crazy in thirst of revenge and now he is crazily planning to kill us all. He is in America and might be around you."

"What's his name?"

I clicked on the phone's screen sending a picture of the main Culprit of him, "Check the picture. His name is—

"Oh fucking goodness, Adrian Salvatore."

I was stunned back, "How did you know?"

"He is the older professor of Lily that I just talked about."



Hello my faithful readers, thank you for the extreme support you have given me so far, but looks like now is the time I actually need your support.

First, many of you might not know I am creating notebooks, to-dos and journals in Amazon. So please buy it if you want.

I have also figured out that no one can easily buy it with some some dollars. In that case, please kindly subscribe to my YouTube channel. See I have never really asked for support like that but this time I will. I felt so bad when my readers did not subscribe to my YouTube channel. Unless I get 100 subscribers in YouTube, I will Not publish another chapter.  My YouTube channel is https://youtube.com/@Ornavias?feature=shared or just type Ornavias in YouTube. I really need your support. Please.

Please correct spelling mistakes.

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