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Prepare your hearts.
Prepare it well.

Old McDonald's had a doctor,
Heyaa heyaa hoi.
Old McDonald's had a doctor,

"H—heyaa heyaa hoii-"

"Huh? What are you speaking Lily?" I heard a faint voice in the farm of McDonald's. He was dancing with chickens and I was there too, dancing and having one. Did someone call for me, I wondered.

"Old McDonald's had a doctor... Doctor?" I continued to sing in chorus with the old Santa looking man. He seemed so friendly and Christmas was closer and we were in McDonald's doctor.

"Lily, are you literally singing a nursery rhyme after getting drunk last night," the voice spoke again. The voice was slowly becoming clearer and I was wondering if we had more chickens who were speaking to me, or McDonald's turned into a lady.

And then my eyes opened.

The headache. The curse worthy headache was the first thing I felt early in the morning. My head was like— someone had banged it against the door so hard that now I was risking to raise my head up. My eyes opened wide and the first thing I noticed was the bright sunlight that was hitting my face from the window of my dorm. Everything was lit and for a second, I thought I could not see anything. The headache was a bad reminder of my carelessness. I wanted to almost return back to my dream of old McDonald's farm after confronting that I was shameless, careless and valueless last night. Getting drunk like regular barbies or high school, dancing with so safety around. Forgetting who I was, where I was studying, and how responsible I was, I almost exploited myself. The only thing I could not forget was him.

Even now when I was awake, with a headache pissing me off like anything, and bad memories I did not want to rememberC his thoughts was still haunting me. His face was there in my mind, his lips, his eyes, even his white coat that he wore while talking to patients, everything was imprinted in my mind so well.

"Good morning, sunshine," Crystal chipped, handing me over a cup of warm green tree and a table beside it, "Drink it and feel better. I got news and we have to reach campus in like thirty minutes. And oh— don't forget to look good cause you look like shït."

"Ahhhhhh-" I glanced at her and then at the plate, "Well- thank you, I guess?"

She shrugged her shoulders and went to the bathroom while I sat on my bed and sipped the tablet in one warm gulp with tea. This headache needed to fly. Vincenzo had reached by now, he must be walking around the same city as me, and I did not know how to feel about it. I wished there was some sort of tablet which would help me forget about him as well.

Finishing the rest of the tea, the clock gave me a mini attack as I realised I had hardly fifteen minutes left to dress up. Crystal was not joking when she said I looked bad. By bad, I meant extremely bad, or like shît as she called it. My hair was a mess, with visible tangles. My make up was all over and my eyes were puffed. The morning breath was horrible and I was at least glad to be in my simple clothes. Crystal must have changed my clothing last night.

Alright, buckle up Lily. I almost ran to wear something sober. I had firmly decided to never go at a night club again because in every case, the after effects turned out to be really terrible for me. I was giving up drinking. Now I understood why my parents always protected me from the outside world.

As soon as Crystal walked out of the bathroom, I quickly stepped in and washed my face anyhow. Applying a good amount of moisturiser on my face and arms, I quickly combed my hair and tied it into a low bun. I was wearing a blue v neck sweater and long black skirts. Yes, indeed I looked like a lite version of Wednesday Addams but come on, she was so damn pretty.

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