A Promise is Forever (GN Reader)

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Central Park was silent. Most of the world stood at home, watching the battle that was being broadcasted from the Avengers compound.

The park was different when no one was there, no runners, no picnics, no people playing in the grassy areas. It was quite nice, just the sound of nature and the city drowned out.

Contrary to the mood of everyone, the day was calm. The sun was in full shine with a cool breeze constant throughout the day. If today was the day the world suffered once more, at least it was a nice day and a rather beautiful one.

You gazed at the white clouds in the sky, laying carelessly against your picnic blanket. Some of them were in shapes, some not, but it was still fun to try and match them to real world objects.

That one just looks like... a cloud.

Maybe the game was stupid since most of them just looked the same, but it was still relaxing.

"I could go out like this." You mused out loud, "A nice sunny day, the only thing that could make this better is a lemonade."

Reaching for your side you took a strawberry from the box you'd brought along, relishing the taste.

It was hard to believe it had been five years since life had changed so drastically but overall it was going quite well.

After the blip Tony had offered you a spot at Stark Industries, he needed a personal assistant that in his words, "Knew their way around the lab."

It was relieving to have friends outside of where you were before.

You'd learn more than ever before. The most recent endeavor was learning all the different coffee drinks the fancy espresso maker and steamer (a gift from the Starks) was capable of making. Wong probably enjoyed it more than yourself.

I should have brought a book, some of these clouds just look the same.

An alert buzzed on your SI issued phone, the latest model. A silent war was fought whether to look at the alert or not, fearing the worst for some of your friends.

The Avengers compound has been destroyed, all New York citizens are encouraged to seek shelter indoors.


Maybe today wasn't going to be a nice day. You sighed, throwing the phone to the side, "I wonder if they got the stones to work."

Closing your eyes, the sun still glowed bright. You tried to distract your mind with other thoughts outside of the events currently happening upstate.

Stephen, I hope what you did wasn't for nothing.

You could feel the weight of the ring that laid on your left hand. A glowing emerald that never seemed to die out. It never came off, it was a reminder of both growth and loss.

Numerous times you had stared at it over a drink, meeting, or just a moment to yourself questioning whether to move it to a chain around the neck, but in the end it was a part of who you were, even if he was gone, even if he maybe wouldn't come back.

"Are you ever going to take that off?" Tony asked, eyeing the ring on your hand. You were currently working on fixing Dum-Es arm after the billionaire broke it with a wayward suit propulsor.

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