Black Coffee (Fem Reader)

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AN: Every good one-shots book needs a coffee shop AU!

Stephen stared at them from across the shop. The subject of his gaze was behind the counter, brewing a pot of the substance that sat in front of him.

The waitress smiled at the customers, flashing that signature white teethed smile only she had. From his booth near the window, he could hear her harmonious laugh lighting up those around her.

The bell ringing on the door distracted him from her momentarily, his attention now caught on the new customers coming into the diner. Cheeks red and covered in snow they brushed off their shoulders as they laughed amongst themselves.

Aiming his gaze back at the counter, Stephen couldn't find her, mildly disappointed he tried not to show it, going back to what he had been doing before, sipping his mug full of hot black coffee.

Even sorcerers needed coffee on a cold New York day, the snow and winds were enough to do that to anyone. New York was in true Winter season, the streets lit up with Christmas lights, songs playing in every department store, and snow covering every street and falling constantly through the day and night.

"Thought I wouldn't notice you?" Stephen smiled, already knowing that voice, he turned met with her holding a pot at the edge of his booth. She looked even more perfect up close, the weather seemed to bring about something vibrant about her already entrancing self.

"How could I think that?" Stephen eyes met her own sparkly E/C ones, dazzling in the sunlight peering through the window. "Always chatting with me, ignoring the other customers."

She rolled her eyes, Stephen unaware of the nerves she had, distracted by his own, his stomach tying in knots every second she was close. "I couldn't miss you, you make my life a little more strange."

"Was that supposed to be a joke?" Stephen asked amused, trying to hide his smirk as she laughed.

"Maybe," she told him, leaving his eyes for a moment to look around the diner, "Do you want it black like always, Mr. Strange?"

"You know me so well," Stephen told her, flashing his signature white teeth smile, that could dazzle anyone in seconds.

"Flirt," she whispered to herself, giggling, even that seemed beautiful to Stephen, he fell harder and harder with every single thing she did.

Everything about her seemed made to draw him near, it could have been the cold weather but Stephen sure felt in need for a coffee every day.

She poured the coffee into his cup, but Stephen could care less about the coffee, only focusing on her face while he had the chance. Little did he know, she noticed, smiling and blushing from the sudden attention from the man she was interested in.

"Oh gosh," an older waitress whispered from across the store, telling one of the cooks of the place her thoughts, "those two are at it again."

"Lovebirds," the cook laughed as he made an order and dinged the bell to signify it was ready, "it would be better for us all if they just confessed."

"You can say that again, hon."


While you waited on your other tables occasionally your focus was still on Stephen Strange.

You knew very little about his life, only that he was a sorcerer, or something like that. And that you only knew because of the portals he made occasionally, which was very obviously not normal. His name also being on the news a few times before as the tv regularly played in the background of the shop.

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