Sparks Aflying (GN Reader)

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Stark R&D labs weren't the most friendly of environments, to anyone really, except those reasonably insane enough to work directly under Anthony Howard Stark's personal guidance and command.

The white lab, filled head to toe with every tool known to mankind's engineers, had its way of driving residents not dedicated enough to the craft to quitting. However, it also had the opposite effect on very few, individuals strong-willed enough to both put up with Stark's bullshit, serving as a point of haven and creativity.

"So, let me get this straight." Tony scruffed his nose, gazing at the table that stood before both him and yourself. "I'm paying you close to seven figures a year, and you design a coffee machine?"

"Yes, but it's not just any coffee machine." You countered with the billionaire. "It extracts the caffeine and gives it twice the normal dose to the drink than others."

"To hell with it." Tony took a cup from the table, placing it under the pot. "Brew me a cup, Sparks."

"Sorry." He winced, noticing your glare. "Not in the lab."

The nickname was reserved solely for living quarters in the tower, which were at least ten floors above the R&D labs. Or, it was reserved for the field, where identity was masked and no one had a chance of finding anything out that could leak to the general public.

"Tony, how many times do we have to have this talk." You sighed, hitting the right buttons to get the pot brewing as conversation was exchanged. "I can't come out with you, it's too risky. With my lab work and role in the company, it's too easy for them to take me down outside."

Contrary to popular belief you didn't spend all of your time in the lab, Avengers floors, or field. You did have a life, which included being a fairly well-known vigilante outside of the Avengers missions and also included doing the more "mundane" tasks for Stark Industries.

"Yeah I get it, no need to lecture me for the ninth time." Tony took the coffee, that brewed in seconds. Taking a large sip. "Holy shit, Sparklers. This is too good. Is that okay, Sparklers?"

You shrugged, figuring anything was more discreet than what he actually called you in the field and on live television multiple times. "Better than what it was before."

"Oh hey, I've been meaning to tell you and kinda sorta forgot up until now, which might not be the best time come to think of it. Your boy toy is stopping by today, in about," he looked down at his watch, his eyes widening. "Three minutes?"

"How many times do I have to tell you Strange and I aren't doing anything." You started to grow mad, fighting the urge to throw a pot of boiling coffee at your boss and friend. "He's never even seen me without the mask on. You know my identity is classified to anyone off the main team"

"Hey, hey, hey don't go blaming me for anything, I'm not one that constantly flirts with him in the field." Tony grew a slick grin. "And I'm not the one that's gone out on literal ice cream dates with the man."

Groaning, you didn't notice the portal that began to grow, "They aren't dates, we just talk about his life at the Sanctum and my fighting outside the Avengers."

Tony hummed, eyeing you up and down, "Sounds like dates to me, Sparklers."

A crash resonated through the lab as you and the billionaire quickly turned to see Stephen Strange clutching his foot, "Damn it, Stark. If I had known I was going to walk into a biohazard I would have just taken the stairs."

Awkwardly, you interrupted the mini-feud between the sorcerer and your boss, disguising your voice to be slightly deeper than normal, "We have an elevator."

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