Highschool Kills Everyone (GN Reader)

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AN: I felt like writing a high school au so enjoy. F/S= favorite soda

The projects were loading up, finals were in a few weeks and teachers seemed to be running to get test and project grades in. Luckily most seemed easy, being blessed with at least some brains, which was more than what some other people had, the projects were easy to complete.

Here you were in yet another class with yet another one being assigned, except this time with partners. Praying you silently wished for it to be someone you could at least tolerate, like Bruce or Tony. The teacher rattled off names, glancing around the room you tried to ease your mind as your ears perked listening for yours.

"Y/N Y/L/N and Stephen Strange."

"Fuck," you groaned under your breath, earning a snicker from Wanda sitting next to you. Why does it have to be him?

He was a cocky student. Everyone knew his story. Wanted to become a doctor, then got into a car accident with a drunk driver that ruined his hands, he had to use a computer to write legibly and quick enough to keep up. Then after he studied the oh-so-wonderful mystic arts and would not stop bragging about it.

He took every chance to remind people about how smart he was and how amazing his powers were compared to most of the other students, who had none and were just training to work for Shield.

Honestly, you wanted to strangle the boy in every class you had together. Sure, you eventually got used to Tony, who was somewhat like Strange, but that was after years of being in the same friend group and hanging out together constantly.

Your teacher glared at the class as they talked with their friends about how unbelievable their partners were or how happy they were to have them, "I was going to inform you all that you may discuss the project now but it seems like you all are already doing so."

A chorus of sorry Ms. Hill filled the room before the chatter once again picked up.

Strange was busy talking to Wong and some of the others who studied the arts, probably being pissed over his partner like you. Knowing you weren't missing out on much, you walked over to where your friends had gathered.

"Why do you look so glum?" your friend Keys asked you while they sent a slither of magic to tickle your nose cheering you up a little bit.

Looking at them, currently cuddled up next to Hela you sighed realizing that everyone else got good partners, "Everyone else has people they like."

"I don't," Keys quipped before getting a smack on the back of the head from their girlfriend.

Hela shot them a warning look, "Please don't say it."

Keys shot them an evil grin before smoothly saying, "Harder mommy." Leaning in to whisper something even viler in Hela's ear, causing the goddess to blush.

"And now I'm mentally scarred for life," Tony walked up, throwing you a bottle of F/S, he always brought extra drinks for you.

"Who's your partner?" Hoping you weren't the only one stuck with someone you didn't like.

"Rhodey," Tony saw you wincing at his response, immediately thinking he said something he wasn't supposed to. "Did I say something wrong?"

"They're just stuck with someone they don't like," Keys filled him in while they rummaged through his backpack, pulling out a tea for themselves and throwing a bottle of coke to Hela.

"Who'd you get?" Tony asked you.

"Strange," you whined as you turned to glare at the cocky sorcerer.

Tony seemed to instantly understand, frowning at the weird pairing of partners, "That asshole, didn't expect Ms. Hill to be so mean."

"Me either."

"Shit, pretend to do something, he's coming," Trying to pretend like you both weren't talking about him Tony started to talk about something new he was working on at home, you nodding along with what he was saying.

"Am I interrupting?" Strange asked as he took a seat next to your group, his eyes studying you with critique.

Tony casually smiled at him, the annoyance hidden deep in his eyes, "No, magician."

You heard Keys and Hela whispering something about an 'asshole battle' and silently agreed, considering how much you hang out with Tony there would likely be many more moments like this.

After the boys talked for a few minutes with you silently witnessing, Strange finally seemed to remember what he came for and turned to you, "Want to talk about the project?"

"Sure," you answered flatly.

You lead the way, going to a corner of the room to talk, Strange following you. The two of you sat down at a pair of desks, laptops, and notebooks spread out in front of you both.

Strange stayed silent for a few minutes studying you, his eyes racking over you as if trying to decide on something. Finally, you had enough, he was wasting your time, "This wasn't about the project was it?"

Strange's cheeks flushed red, he had been caught red-handed, "No."

You knew what this was about, "You really just don't like Tony, do you?"

"Sorry," Strange apologized as he sheepishly ran his fingers through his hair, unusual for a high-school student with its grey streaks, "I just cannot stand Stark."

You both awkwardly sat in silence for a moment that seemed to last forever, stealing glances at the other.

"You know if you weren't so cocky sometimes, maybe this project could be fun," internally sighing you criticized yourself at your attempt to make conversation.

"I'm cocky?"

Internally gaping at his question and how oblivious this man was you tried to explain to him, "Dude, have you not heard almost everyone in the school say that?"

"No," Strange had a confused look on his face, "do they really?"

"Yes," Some might say you were being too harsh on the sorcerer, but if he was going to be your project partner you might as well let it all out.

Strange took your words into consideration, "I'll try to stop then, just tell me if I'm getting too cocky with you."

"Got it. You know you're not as bad as I thought."

"You're not either," Strange leaned in to tease you, causing your face to be flustered from the close distance between the two of you before he drew back with a pencil in his hand.

Glaring at him you got up to go to Tony, Hela, and Keys, the others in your friend group now gathered near them, "I take back what I said about you Strange."

Hastily he stood up from his desk, following behind you to your friend group, "What can I do to change your mind?"

"Buy me a coffee or something," your friends watched from the side, interested in the conversation.

"Is that you asking me out on a date?"

"I just met you douchebag, but if you help enough maybe one day it could be," sending a wink at him, leaving him speechless for once in his life, and settling next to your friends, giving Tony a high five.

"I just met you douchebag, but if you help enough maybe one day it could be," sending a wink at him, leaving him speechless for once in his life, and settling next to your friends, giving Tony a high five

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AN: Everyone when I talk about Kela ^

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