I Need You to Wake Up (GN Reader)

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AN: Can't really put this at the end so here! Take a piece of cake 🍰  No, to my friend who asked, I do not have a death kink, I just like writing angst and people dying

They had done it. Hydra had finally taken you. After years of sending threats to the sanctum, to your husband and you, to Shield and the Avengers, they had finally managed to do it.

You never thought that they would get to you, with your magic and other powers there was no chance. You were wrong, everyone was wrong. Stephen, you, Fury, Tony, and the others, all wrong.

Being the sorcerer's supreme partner should have protected you. You knew more about the mystic arts than anyone except him, maybe even more than him. Both of you knew he had his enemies, but they knew not to lay a hand on you, they had seen you on the battlefield alone enough to tear an army apart, and they had also seen you with your husband when the two of you were together anything was possible. 

You two were the perfect team, the Strange's. Not anymore, it wasn't falling out of love or anything, it was this. An organization run by idiots, yet they somehow did the impossible. 

At first, it was unclear why they took you. You thought it was to get to your husband, he was one of the most powerful people on earth. It turns out they just wanted a weapon like they tried to do to Barnes but with more unlimited power.

You knew it would be unsuccessful, knowing the proper spells to keep anyone out of your mind, even Stephen. What you did not expect was the beatings, the restraints that took most of your magic, them taking your sling ring, and the inability to reach out to your husband.

No doubt Stephen was worried sick, you were for him. It had been months since Hydra had taken you, you were getting desperate, believing that he may never find you, not knowing the cruel nature in store for you. 

The day seemed like an average one, a guard woke you up. You asked him how long you had been here, he whispered to you eight months. After eight months of torture, if you never psychically recovered you sure as hell would not mentally. If Stephen came he would not hesitate to kill every single soul in this building. 

Then the day started to become not-so-average, and the guard brought you out to a pit. One that eerily reminded you of a firing squad. Pushing you to the bottom, you had looked around thinking maybe this was just to let you out for a while, that's when the bullet struck.

The first one struck your shoulder, and the pain seared through you, not as bad as some injuries before but still enough to bring tears to your eyes. The second one struck your leg, this time you could not hold back a scream. You started to think that this may be the end, that you may never get to see Stephen or anyone you cared about ever again before you passed, little did you know, the agents were on orders to not kill you but only wound you severely. 

The third one was the worse, it hit your right arm, your dominant one. The bullet flew threw, you watched as it entered one end to come out the other. Rendering you useless, unable to complete a single task. That was also the breaking point, the moment where the pain overtook you, you felt nothing but it, you thought death had gotten its grasp on you and succumbed to the dark.

You woke up, wondering what happened to you after that new form of pain and torture, your eyes answered that question. Glancing around, you found yourself strapped to a metal table, ruins etched onto the straps to prevent you from using magic and escaping. I cannot give in, no matter what they do.

A scientist entered the room, an unnerving smile painted on her ugly face, that you oh-so-desperately wanted to punch. "I see you woke up Mx. Strange. I'm afraid I have bad news," she paused for a moment before continuing, "you didn't escape. And you, my dear, are about to meet your untimely death."

Speaking back would only prolong it, if death was inevitable you might as well make it short. Stephen would not want you to make it longer than needed. If only he was here.

The torture soon began.

They didn't seem to care what they did, you were going to die anyway. It started with the skin, peeling bits off, luckily they stopped that after a few minutes. Then came the serums, injecting them, using a machine to incubate them, and noting their effects. Next came the beatings, with various objects, and different forces, they took note of how long it took bruises to form and how much each weapon and object damaged you.

At this point you had given up completely, Stephen was not coming now or ever. All you could do was wait and wait and go with the pain, the tears that filled your eyes with each hit, cut, or injection, and the screams and wails that left your mouth.

You knew when you had begun to die, your bullet wounds were only treated with a rag tied against them. You were bleeding out, the injections making you weaker as well, the cuts doing no help to stop the blood loss. 

You only could hope that Stephen knew you loved him. That you were sorry he would never get to say goodbye. That while in this place all you could think about was him, your darling husband, your soulmate.

So when the dark came, you decided to not fight it, to let it take you so you could escape from here, even if it meant not seeing him one last time. 

At that moment the door popped open, and your husband was there. It's too much of a coincidence, it is just a hallucination before I die. 

He was covered in blood, and before you knew it every worker in the room lay on the floor dead, not a word could even be uttered before they fell. "Y/N, love. Your powers, the pain, it sent off a wave to me. I was able to portal here to you." He made his way over to cup your head.

-Stephen's Point of View-

I watched as they grew weaker by the second. Of course, the only way they could reach out was if they were in so much pain. They were going to die. I could do nothing. No amount of healing magic could fix this.

Their skin was lighter than normal, blood covered the table they rested on. I could see the wounds on every part of their body.

I had only just found them. After months and months of searching. Calling in every possible favor, dragging everyone in, for it to be fruitless and only to reach them on their deathbed.

"Y/N," I told them, as I cupped their head, "I'm going to portal us to our room, so you can be comfortable."

If I could do anything, I would at least give them their last few moments full of comfort and a sense of home.

Picking their weak body up bridal style, I could feel the weight they lost. How little they had eaten, and how much had been taken away. Opening a portal I placed them down, resting their head on my pillow, they always said they stole it because it smelled like me.  

Gazing down at my love, who I had only just now gotten back, I met their eyes as mine filled with tears. Placing my hand on them, I placed a spell to numb the pain, take it away so their last few waking moments could be spent with me.

"Stephen," they whispered to me while tears streamed down their scarred face, "I'm scared, I don't want to leave you."

I have to lie. "It will be alright," I murmured through my tears, "we will get through this." Cupping their cheeks, I gazed into their eyes, slowly drooping as their breathing became more and more labored than before.

"I love you," they whispered through the pain, "I wish I could have seen you sooner. I'm just happy that my last moment is with you."

"I love you more than anything. I am so sorry I could not find you sooner. I love you to the Heavens and back Y/N, my darling, darling partner." They smiled at the statement, the life slowly drained from their eyes and body.

I couldn't accept it. They're not dead, I only just got them back. "Please Y/N," I whispered to the body lying in my bed as I sobbed with tears streaming down my face even faster than before, "I need you to wake up."

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