A Demonic Type of Love (Fem Reader)

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Stephen Strange's life was well strange.

Sometimes it even confused himself. In the present it was exceedingly doing so.

He never thought that he'd try to pursue anyone after dedicating his time to the mystic arts, he was too busy. He had to lead a sanctum and on top of that, while he was no longer sorcerer supreme, he still had to teach classes at the Kamar Taj and defend the planet from ongoing mystical threats.

On top of that he never thought he'd actively try for a relationship with someone who wasn't human, much less someone who's race was deemed inherently evil.

Demons were always the worse of the worse in media and fiction, Stephen found that often times while they were evil they still acted humanely. They would tempt, bring people to the downfalls of lust, greed, and the other sins decreed, but would never outright murder many or commit heinous acts.

She was different.

Their meeting wasn't ideal, he was in the UK, a trip to the London Sanctum to help with some wards that had been having issues that the masters hadn't been able to place, so naturally he decided to explore the place once the matter was taken care of.

Stephen had found his way into one of the more walkable districts, filled with shops and tourists and citizens. He immediately placed her from the crowd, the manner which she walked was distinctly not human, a slight swagger to her step one could only master if they were centuries old. On top of that he had dealt with enough others of her kind that the aura that surrounded her made it smackingly obvious.

Stephen pushed through the sidewalk goers to place a hand on her shoulder, gaining her attention as she lowered her sunglasses to meet him eye to eye, "You're not here to tempt anyone into anything terrible are you?"

"I'm not like that, magic man." She sniffed the air, she could smell the stench of sorcery that cloaked him. "Merely here to cause a few minor sins and inconveniences."

She shrugged his hand off of her shoulder and started to take a step before Stephen asked, "Would you mind if I walked with you, then?"

She had nothing to hide, she wasn't lying when she told him about her intentions to cause some inconveniences, the worst she planned was to make a stoplight quit working, hopefully driving a few people to give into their wrath. "Not at all, magician."

Stephen followed beside her silently, he wasn't used to making small talk with thousand year old demonic entities, she decided to break the quiet, "So, what brings you to London?"

"You're awfully polite for a demon, most don't make small talk." Stephen responded curtly, making her chuckle.

"I'm not like others of my kind, I've been here long and truthfully have never been one to follow rules or expectations, so why start following Satans now?" She shrugged, eyeing a business man that passed with a large briefcase. Stephen looked back suddenly after he had passed, hearing a rather explicit curse arise from the man's lips.

Stephen shot his new acquaintance a disappointed look, which he himself found weird since he had just met her minutes ago. "Oh, don't look at me like that, he was a shitty lawyer, bribed the judge."

"Is that supposed to make it better?"

"Yes." She answered blankly, keeping her pace as Stephen stood in shock before running to catch up. "You're avoiding my question sorcerer."

Strange sighed as he felt a tug on by the Cloak of Levitation, urging him to answer her question. He could curse the politeness of that cloak. "My name is Stephen. I'm here on business with the London Sanctum."

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