Are You Wearing My Shirt? (GN Reader)

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You looked through your shared closet, clothes were thrown everywhere as you searched for the item you wanted. The floor and closet were littered with random articles of clothing. Pulling out some sweatpants and putting them on, you finally found what you were looking for, the most comfortable shirt in existence.

Normally you tried not to steal Stephen's clothes but sometimes the want turned into a need, especially in times like right now, when he was away on business at another sanctum, with his duties as a master of the mystic arts. He would never know, he wasn't due back for another few days, you had plenty of time to wash it before then. Wong wouldn't tattle on you, especially after what you did last time he did, the man was strung up and unable to escape for a day until Stephen found him and released him. If you didn't know any better you would say that he was actually afraid of you now, never mess with a sorcerer and a master of the arts.

Going about your everyday task, you decided to take a break by reading a book in the library. Settling down in a comfortable chair you opened up one of the various books in your pile. Lost in the words hours passed by, and this happened almost every time you read, Stephen would have to come in and lead you to your shared bed. The sky began to get dark as you sat lost in the fantasy world.

You weren't expecting anyone to come in and try to talk to you, so you fully shut the outside world away. When someone touched your shoulder it instantly knocked you out of it, frightening you like there was no tomorrow. Your defenses were immediately on, forming a weapon of sorts in your hand.

"Y/N, it's just me," Stephen laid a hand on your shoulder as you looked at him, "I didn't mean to scare you."

Laughing at yourself you got up and ran to hug your partner, burying your head in the crook of his neck, "It's fine. I just didn't expect you to be back this early." Overjoyed at the fact that he was home sooner than expected you peppered kisses all over his cheeks and neck, Stephen letting out a content sigh at the small but lovely moment were having.

"The masters let me go early, we finished sooner than expected," Stephen hugged your body back, glad to be back in your arms and feel your affection after being away for a while.

The hours of reading seemed to hit you like a brick wall, tiredness swept over you as you yawned into Stephen's neck. You felt him smirk and look down at you. "Why don't we head to bed? I'm tired too."

He took your hand leading you through a portal he opened to your room, you lay down in bed going back to your book as he left for the shower. Once again you were absorbed, too busy to hear the shower turning off and too busy to hear Stephen come out of it.

A shadow loomed over your book, blocking out the light necessary to make out the words on the page. Looking up you were met with Stephen smiling as he studied you.

"You're blocking out the light, move," glaring at the tall man, who prevented you from absorbing the story you were currently reading.

"Why aren't you in bed?" Stephen asked crossing his arms, to give you a disapproving look knowing you were tired and should be asleep.

"I am in bed," Retorting back at your partner, who shook his head at your sass before turning out the bedside light much to your discontent.

Placing your book on your dresser you turned around to face Stephen's side of the bed. Pulling back the covers he got in and scooted next to your form, wrapping his arms around your waist as you lay contently in his chest glad to be back in his arms.

"You know I was only reading because I was waiting for you," You murmured tiredly as your words began to slur as sleep hit you. Snuggling your head into the crook of his neck as you took in his fresh smell, you really needed to start stealing his shampoo even if he might torture you, with tickles, for it. 

Stephen gazed at you as you began to fall asleep, noticing something familiar about what you were wearing but not able to remember exactly what. "Are you wearing something new today?" 

"No," you whispered back, internally paling scared that he might notice that you stole his shirt.

"I'll figure it out," Stephen told you, clearly not buying your unconvincing no, his eyes raking over your body as he tried to figure out the mystery to settle his mind.

"Hmm," mischievously riling him up he always was cute when he was a tad bit angry, "no you won't. You're not Sherlock or anyone."

Puffing at your teasing, Stephen let go of you and turned to stare at the ceiling. You could barely make out his face furrowed in concentration. You were enjoying this, it was fun to see him frustrated over such a tiny thing.

"I know," Stephen told you after a few minutes, realizing how stupid he was for not getting it sooner after all it was his shirt. His plan of revenge already forming in his head as he internally smirked. 

"Oh really then Mr. Detective why don't you tell me?" Propping yourself up on your arm, goofily smiling at him.

"Are you wearing my shirt?" Turning back to face you, he sneakily placed his hands by your side, as he noticed the guilty look on your face. "You are going to pay for that love."

Beginning to tickle you as you giggled and begged for mercy for the next few minutes. Ending in cuddling after a few smacks to the arm and the two of you contently wrapped up sleeping peacefully with the fun memories playing at the back of your minds.

AN: I give you fluff 

Keys 🗝

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