Go to Bed (Fem Reader)

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You were stuck.

Stuck in something terrible that no other human would want to be stuck in.

You were stuck in the middle of a pillow fight with none other than Peter Parker.

The young superhero had been coming more and more often to the Sanctum, seemingly having adopted Stephen and you as his new 'super' parents after the death of his mentor, Tony Stark.

It was no surprise for you, having been present in the boy's life ever since he first met Tony, you tagging along for the little recruitment meeting with the vigilante with your younger brother. From there he developed the same bond with you as he did with Tony, both becoming the boy's role models and main adults in his life besides his Aunt May.

It was a surprise, for basically everyone even you when he adopted Stephen as his new 'super' dad. Sure you two were a couple but the grumpy sorcerer wasn't exactly well known for liking kids, in fact, you could say the opposite, he hated them. He barely even tolerated Peter's presence at first until he softened up to the young nerdy teen.

Soon though he started to care about the boy, inviting him over to the Sanctum, or taking him out to an event. The three of you were like a big 'super family' when Peter wasn't with May. Going out to events together, to missions, or hanging around with the other Avengers.

Peter even started calling you mom about a week ago, having lost his at an early age and Aunt May being too young to be his real mother (yes ik Marissa is like fifty but for the sake of this oneshot she's thirty).

It was accidental, but you didn't care, you enjoyed that you could be a positive role model for the young boy. Especially since you were a hero as well, being able to guide him through situations concerning that and the real world as well.

"Mrs. Y/N stop!" Peter screamed as he ran up the sanctum staircase, you trailing quickly behind him.

"Never!" You cried out, hitting his back with the edge of your pillow, the spiderboy scrambling away to the banister of the staircase, jumping off and shooting a web, connecting to the roof of the sanctum and suspending himself midair, away from any impending attacks.

Dropping your pillow, you sneakily formed a portal above the boy's head, closing it and cutting off his web, making him fall to the floor before he shot out another.

The game soon turned from a pillow fight into you trying to make Peter fall to the floor, unfortunately, with his enhanced reflexes, it seemed you were losing badly.

"Mom stop!" Peter giggled from the ceiling, panting from exhaustion.

Smirking at him you began to walk down the stairs, Peter finally relaxing thinking the game was up. It wasn't.

Quickly making a portal you cut off his web, Peter falling not-so-gracefully to the floor, luckily he wasn't too high in the air.

Before he could recover you were already attacking him, smack after smack from the pillow colliding with him as he tried to ward off your attacks while giggling on the ground helplessly.

"Did my wife turn into a child?" Turning you were met with none other than a disappointed Stephen Strange at the entrance of the sanctum, Wong behind him smirking at the situation.

Blowing a piece of hair out of your face you got up from attacking Peter, both of you panting from the excitement of the fight, "Hi, honey."

"Parker, what are you doing here?" Stephen asked raising an eyebrow and staring at the boy.

"Shit, I can explain Dad-" Peter suddenly went pale, his eyes going wide as he realized what he said, "I meant Mr. Strange! I was just visiting! Because it's winter break and Aunt May is out for a few days and all my friends are doing stuff with their families and normally Mr. Stark would let me spend it with him but-"

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