Neighbors (GN Reader)

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AN: This is the crack you get when I'm on vacation with no Wi-Fi and have been writing for three hours straight

Life with the Avengers was far from the dream. When there were no missions, it lead to boredom. Boredom that simply couldn't be solved by going out, unless you wanted to be bombarded with fans or possibly attacked by Hydra or some other space.

Luckily the boredom was easily solved for you and two others on the team, those two being the science bros themselves. The itch to be in the lab seemed to pass itself through the Stark and Banner families.

"Tony!" You yelled over the AC/DC soundtrack blasting through the lab, courtesy of Tony himself.

Tony startled by the noise, hastily sat up, banging his head on the top of the table he was under. "Yes?"

"Pepper's calling," nodding your head towards the phone sat on a nearby shelf, "And you better fucking answer it or else I'm stealing her from you."

"Isn't that illegal?" Tony picked up the phone waiting for your reply.

Thinking it over for a minute, you hummed contently, "She's my sister-in-law, not my sister."

Going back to the modifications on your suit, you ignored the pouting man on the other side of the room. Catching a piece mid-air when Bruce, who had been quietly working with some chemicals, tossed you a piece he knew you needed.

"I swear you're just like that spider kid," He muttered as he adjusted his glasses, wiping off the steam that had formed on them. "You sure you didn't get bit?"

"I might be cool but that's just because I grew up with him," Throwing a bolt at Tony and laughing as it hit him, making him wince. "Get those reflexes in check! Be like me!"

Tony sighed as he put down the phone, whether it was from the throwing or what Pepper had told him you had no idea.

"Oops," you giggled before changing the music to a Pink Floyd song.

Tony seemed too caught up in what he was thinking to even notice the music change, Bruce just vibing with it, humming along to the song currently playing.

"Tones," a parental tone in your voice, used to years of being only him and you, "what's wrong?"

"Well my dear science hoes," Tony started a dramatic drum roll, his energy seeming to come right back, "We're getting a new addition!"

"New addition? Like the band?" Confusion painted on your face as you turned to Bruce who just shrugged.

"No, no, no my dearest sibling. A new addition to the tower! A new friend!" A painfully fake smile on his face as he tried to make the best of the situation.

Analyzing him you caught on in an instant. "Tony," you growled in a warning tone, "what are you not telling us?"

Giggling nervously he began to back towards the door, "It's that annoying doctor you love so much? And we're out of rooms on the other boarding floors so he's going to be your neighbor?"

Dashing out and up the stairs, most likely to hide behind Pepper, as you processed the information, Bruce slowly made his way to the elevator.

Having enough of the annoying billionaire, you took up the nearest repulser for your suit, hurriedly putting it on your arm to dash up the stairs, letting it charge to its fullest setting as you ran thinking of all the ways a specific man named Tony would get it.

Slamming the door open to the common room, you ignored the shocked Avengers and only paid attention to the cowering Tony. Taking a deep breath, shooting a deadly glare at him, "Anthony Edward Stark!"

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