Houseparties and Husbands (Masc Reader)

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It was evening, New York was filled with people still bustling around yet ceremoniously dying down with every hour.

The crime rates had been lower than over, all thanks to a certain demographic found only in the city, heroes. Some might call them vigilantes, hell that's what Matt Murdock and Jessica Jones would tell you and they would gladly answer if you met them at the bar.

What did these lowered crime rates deserve? A party, at least in Tony Starks eyes.

"Stephen, come on, we're going to be late," you scolded him, stepping over to him standing in front of his dresser mirror, and tying his tie for him, after many of his own fruitless attempts.

"What would I do without you?" Stephen sighed, gripping your hand with his own and making a portal that led to the party floor of the tower.

"Die?" You laughed when he sent you a glare, "Just kidding."

"Tony, the Strange's are here!" Rhodey yelled as he saw the two of you walk in, offering a small wave before going back to talking with Sam.

Stephen and you offered nods to the people scattered about the room that you passed, making your way over to the bar where Tony Stark was located.

"Why do we have to say hello?" Stephen tried to pull away, internally wishing to go talk to Natasha or anyone but the rich billionaire.

"He invited us, and he wants to congratulate us on the wedding," you told him, Stephen grumbling under his breath as you just shook your head with a smile, used to his antics.

"Anthony," you nodded at the billionaire as you settled on a barstool, Stephen sitting on the one next to you.

"Y/N," Tony held out his hand as you gladly shook it, noticing Stephen rolling his eyes as he looked at you.

"Be nice, love," you smiled at Tony, apologizing silently for the grumpy sorcerer's behavior.

"Well you two, go enjoy the party," Tony patted Stephen on the back as he went to go see Pepper.

"Why don't you get a drink and try to drink away that attitude while I go talk."

Waving at Natasha, she signaled you over to her conversation with Bruce and Wanda.

"So, Mr. Strange, how's the new last name feel?" Natasha asked, making you glance down at the golden ring on your finger, an emerald in the middle, matching Stephen's own that was worn on his finger.

"Wonderful," you admitted, "Although Wong was a bit pissed because we left him alone at the sanctum for a week."

Strange couldn't help but look over at Y/N as he sat at the bar drinking, avoiding contact with the others.

Strange's heart would light up every time, he smiled, internally Strange was glad that he agreed to come for Y/N.

Stephen chuckled as he watched his lover move his arms around before the group broke out into laughter, he was obviously recounting a funny story.

Looking back at his drink he decided he was content, even if the party wasn't the greatest thing on earth at least it had free expensive alcohol and he was happy.

"Yeah, so then Stephen comes up and asks me how's life beating you up in those exact words, and I thought it was a joke at first but it turns out he was just nervous and bad at flirting," you recounted to Wanda, both of you slightly tipsy from the drinks constantly refilled in your hands by Nat or the few waiters that were at the party.

"Vis is really bad at flirting," Wanda laughed way louder than normal.

You placed your drink on a nearby table before winking at her, "Well, he is an overgrown toaster."

Wanda fake gasped, but placing her hands on her hips as she scowled, "You take that back."

"Try me, knock-off witch," playfully pushing her.

Wanda shook her head, her cheeks flushed almost the same color as her suit from the alcohol, "All men are the same." A red glow surrounded you, lifting you up slightly in the air before you landed roughly on your ass.

"Are you okay?" A rough voice asked from behind where you were currently laying on the floor.

You broke into laughter, trying to calm down, only getting out a few words, "I'm fine, Stephen." Slowly standing up and brushing off your pants.

"I missed you," Stephen wrapped his arms around you, obviously way more intoxicated than you were because he was never this affectionate in public except after a really bad fight with high stakes.

"You just saw me a few minutes ago," you didn't mind though, leaning into his touch. His goatee tickled your skin as he kissed your neck.

You yelped as rough hands gripped your waist, spinning you around to face the tall, blue-eyed sorcerer.

"Stephen, what are you doing?" Shooting the sorcerer a questioning look, he moved his hands to rest at the collar of your shirt.

"You have it buttoned too high," hands moving against your button-up shirt, the very top button was released.

You tried not to laugh, knowing that in some strange way this was his version of being romantic in public, softly pushing his hands away from your chest, "Stephen, we're in public people are going to get the wrong idea, and these are our friends, I don't want them to think of us like that."

"Why don't we go talk to someone you like, huh?" Offering the suggestion, hoping he would approve of it or at least forget about his present task of unbuttoning your shirt in a not-so-gentlemanly manner.

Stephen nodded drowsily, eyes threatening to close, cussing you to sigh, "Guess we're going to be leaving early."

"Did you know how handsome you are?" Stephen asked as he stared at you, making you laugh.

"I do, after how many times you've told me," leading him past the furniture that was scattered about before he abruptly stopped, making you stumble into him.

"You're the most handsome man I've ever seen, and I'm not usually attracted to them," you tried not to roll your eyes as you dealt with your drunk husband.

"I would hope, after all, you did put a ring on it," Stephen took your hand in his own scarred one admiring the wedding ring with a goofy smile, not reminiscent of his normal more composed, and condescending one.

Stephen dragged you to the middle of the room, despite your protests, joining the few others that were dancing to the music playing in the background.

"Stephen, this isn't a slow dance," a blush setting on your cheeks as you noticed the stares others were giving you and as the sorcerer lightly swayed you. "Other people are staring at us."

"Who cares, let them," Stephen told you before gripping your chin with his mildly shaking hand, and tilting it up before kissing you deeply, his chapped lips moving against your own soft ones. 

Breaking away you shook your head, taking Stephen's hand and leading him off the floor, bringing him towards where most of the others were gathered. "Maybe we shouldn't come to many parties, anymore."

Using a spell you were overly familiar with at this point, you cast it over the sorcerer, as he seemed to instantly sober up, "Sorry, couldn't have talking to the others drunk as an Asgardian."

"Why don't we just leave? After all, we are newlyweds."

Rolling your eyes you let the tall sorcerer, who had cast a spell over himself to change into his familiar blue robes, lead you into the portal he had opened that lead to your bedroom in the Kamar Taj, as the others stared and Tony Stark shook his head exasperated but with a smirk on his face. 

AN: ik this sucks but its something at least!

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