You Make Me Feel So Young (Fem Reader)

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This is what you get when I've been listening to Frank Sinatra on loop

"Stephen, hurry, it's cold!" You yelled at the sorcerer, hands rubbing your arms to gain some body heat.

The sorcerer shot you a playful glare as he stood in line at a coffee shop in the park. Any minute now the baristas would be done with his espresso and your hot chocolate, with extra whipped cream. He knew the order plenty of times from the past two winters that you had been by his side.

Your breath was easily seen as you breathed out, the cold had struck hard recently. The park covered in a light layer of white fluffy snow. Layers upon layers were now needed, fluffy hats broken out from the Sanctums version of an attic.

You closed your eyes as you leaned back against the bench. Trying to enjoy the crisp weather without a sorcerer at your side.

"Day dreaming?" Stephen asked, a smile plastered on his face, a cup in each hand, as you cracked an eye open to look at him. "Your order, ma'am."

He bowed exaggeratingly as he handed the warm sweet drink to you, "Cold?"

You grumbled under your breath, as you gratefully took a sip of the drink. Other hand being pulled by Stephen as he helped you get up. "Just need some warmth."

"You know," Stephen teased, his eyes glistening. "It's not actually that cold out for this city."

Free arm wrapping around the sorcerers waist, you shoved into him lightly, "Its plenty cold. You're just bundled up more than me."

Stephen glanced down at his outfit which consisted of a long sleeve shirt and his Columbia sweatshirt, compared to yours of a turtleneck, sweater, and coat. "Sure. Whatever you say, sweetheart."

"You know how you could warm me up?" Looking innocently at Stephen, you beckoned him to lean down.

"How so?" Stephen asked a few inches away from your face, before you met in a short kiss before he jumped back.

You ran away as Stephen rubbed his neck with his free hand, where your ungloved and freezing hand had surprised him, "Gotcha!"

Stephen rolled his eyes before chasing after you, ignoring the looks from other park goers, "You're not faster than me."

"Sorry, I couldn't hear that!" You looked back, seeing him a good amount of feet behind, "You're a little too far away and slow!"

Stephen stopped, watching as you ran into a thicket of trees. Setting his coffee on the cold ground, not caring much for its safety since he could so easily restore it, he reached into his sweatshirts pocket. Withdrawing his golden sling ring, he felt yours still in there, smirking once your chances of escaping diminished.

Moving a branch, your view was no longer obstructed. You could clearly see Stephen standing before the trees, putting on his sling ring.

You knew yours was still with him. It was easier for him to carry them when you two were out on dates or casual endeavors with his larger pockets.

Thankfully, not everything needed a sling ring. The perfect idea popped into your head when you saw the snow at your feet, still plenty cold and frozen.

Stephen began to form a portal as you watched from the corner of your eye, you knew where he was heading, the pros of knowing someone and their habits for years.

He stepped through, appearing in the middle of the thicket. Back facing you, you took the ball of snow in your hand and aimed for his head.

He turned and saw your grin as the snowball flew at him.

Stephen frowned at the cold, as he wiped the remaining snow off of his face. "Really? I thought you were more mature than that."

"No, I'm not." Another snowball hit him on his chest, staining the sweatshirt a temporary darker blue. "And I know that even if you act more mature, you're one second away from joining."

The sorcerer shook his head, refusing to give in. Of course, that lasted roughly ten seconds before another snowball hit him on the neck from your well stacked pile.

You hid a smile as the sorcerer bent down. His hands roughly shaping the snow into a ball, a little longer than the average person but still quick enough to be prepared for the next attack.

Arsenals were traded. A glob landed in your hair, leaving it a wet mess, unfortunate given the weather. A larger ball landed on Stephen's leg. "I knew you'd join in!"

"I'm not as old as you think." Stephen rolled his eyes, trying to get cover behind a nearby tree and failing as he was once again hit on the shoulder.

"I'm three months younger than you." Defending yourself, as you hastily tried to make more globs of the snow. "We're just middle aged!"

You gave up making any more ammunition for your fake war. Your hands felt so cold from the lack of gloves, it seemed like they were one minute away from being completely frozen.

"I surrender!"

Stephen smirked, as he made his way closer, perfectly aware that this could be a trap or the perfect ambush, "I'm not showing you any mercy."

He was stunned by your quick dash away. It took him only a second to recover as he decidedly ran in the direction you'd left.

He scanned the park once he exited the thicket, seeing your coat among the walkers and enjoyers. Chasing after you, he narrowly avoided person after person, some yelling some more explicit words in his direction.

Stephen paid no mind to the passerby's, heading only after you. A slight joy hit his heart as he heard your giggles from up ahead.

You were so busy avoiding the sorcerer that you made a critical mistake, you forgot to look where you were going. A yelp escaped as you tumbled, falling face first into a pile of snow.

Well, now I'll definitely be caught.

Warm arms hugged your waist, as you were tugged up. Back meeting the sorcerers front.

"I thought I lost you there." Stephen teased as you turned to face him, placing a hand on his chest.

Patting his chest, Stephen placed a light kiss on your forehead, "I did give you quite the chase."

He hummed, agreeing, before dipping you. Staring into your eyes he truly smiled, "You make me feel so young."

"Honestly, stop pretending like we're old it's getting-" you never quite finished that thought. Mind more preoccupied with the blue eyed doctor kissing you in the park.

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