Shut Up and Drive (GN Reader)

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Your telephone rang as you cleaned your kitchen, humming an old ACDC song your friend Tony introduced you to. Not bothering to look at the ID you picked up the call, still cleaning to the music, "Y/N Strange, how can I help you?"

"Come to the front door," an excited voice called through the phone with no further instructions. Anyone else would have been confused, but this was somehow a monthly occurrence to you.

I know that baritone voice anywhere. Happily continuing to hum to the music you made your way over to the front door of your apartment with a little dance. 

Swinging it open, you leaned against the door frame to stare at the person awaiting you right outside your door. In your best impression of a smooth voice, you decided to tease the person, "What can I do for you, Mr. Strange?"

The man shot you a grin before pulling out a bouquet of flowers, a movie, and a bag full of food from behind his back. Leaning in he captured your lips in a sweet kiss that lasted only a few seconds before he handed you the flowers and goofily bowed down, "Can't I do nice things for my lovely partner?"

"You may, and they will love you forever for it," planting a quick kiss on his cheek you went back inside the two of your apartment, leaving the door open for him to come in.  Clumsily opening cabinets, you searched for a vase for the flowers, not finding one and just settling on a cup instead.

Seeing your husband standing with the gifts for you in his hand, you realized that it must be date night, something he insisted on doing at the most random of times. No matter the weather, how his day had been, or anything of that sort he always insisted on it. 

"How were your surgeries today?" You asked as you went back to cleaning the kitchen, focusing on wiping the counter in front of him so you could see and hear him.

"Good, I saved all the patients," he told you smiling, the man sure loved to brag about his achievements, even after you married him. You couldn't complain though, he loved his career and that's all that mattered. 

"Is the neurological society thing still tomorrow?" You called as you made your way over to put some dishes away. 

"It is. Do you have an outfit for it?" Stephen came over to help you with the dishes, taking some and putting them in the higher places you couldn't reach on your own.

Punching him in his arm, you ran away as he tried to attack you back, giggling hysterically, "I do. I've been feeling a bit sick all day, so after the movie, I'm going straight to bed to hopefully be okay for it."

Concern washed over your husband's face, the man was a doctor he really should know that everyone gets sick sometimes but still, he looked as worried as humanly possible, "Go take a shower, we can start the movie early. I'll finish up here. If you don't want to get worse you need the sleep."

Trying to argue with him, he took your arm to drag you to your shared bedroom and handed you a pile of nightclothes before pushing you towards the shower, "Go take a shower love."

Shutting the door behind you once you were through you pounded your fist on the door, "Stephen Strange! Let me out this instant! You've been at work all day! It's my job as your partner to take care of you!" 

You could feel him leaning against the door, he probably had a dirty little smirk painted on his face, "Exactly. It is my job to take care of you."

Knowing he wasn't going to give up you angrily took your shower, enjoying the hot water before remembering why you were mad. Getting dressed you looked in the mirror to check yourself over before storming out to find that wretched husband of yours.

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