Stubborn Sorcery (Fem Reader)

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Being the sorcerer supreme and getting sick wasn't the... optimal option.

Stephen was of course prone to more magic based illnesses than others were, with the number of interdimensional foes he faced and the universal travel he sometimes did it really didn't surprise him. Magic took its toll sometimes, normally causing others to be tired but when you use it every day multiple times it was a much different story.

"Stephen, are you okay? You're not responding to my texts and we were supposed to have a date today," Y/N knocked on the sorcerers door, not having seen him on her earlier rounds around the sanctum.

Putting her ear to the door, she couldn't hear anything from the other side but could feel Stephen's presence in the room.

"Stephen, I'm coming in," Y/N tried to get the door open but it wouldn't budge

"God damn it, Strange," she grumbled under her breath, making a motion casting a spell to try and blast the door open.

The door smoked on its hinges as the knob radiated heat, Y/N scowled at it as she kicked it open with her foot.

"Stephen, you might need a new door," carefully shutting it behind her, as the door seemed to barely hold on for life.

Looking around the room, she could barely make out anything, no light coming through the curtained windows.

"It's like a tomb in here," snapping her fingers as a flame appeared, illuminating a few feet around her. "Totally not scary or anything."

Carefully inching her way over to the bed, she noticed a lump under the covers, "Stephen, you better be alive, or I will blame you for scarring me for life."

"Oh god, I don't want to do this," she cringed as she held her hand out, poking whatever was under the covers.

A groan echoed off the walls of the rather large room, her heart immediately soothing as she recognized them belonging to her partner.

"Are you sick? Do I need to call someone?" Switching on the bedside lamp and making the man under the covers whine as he pulled them up farther over his head.

"I'm not sick," Stephen told her, voice hoarse and laced with tiredness.

Y/N tried not to snort, "That did not sound healthy to me."

"I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself," the sorcerer sassed back, head barely visible from under the many sheets.

Y/N hummed, snatching the covers, pulling them off the man in one fast motion. "You look like shit."

"No I don't," Stephen sat up, crinkled shirt, messy hair, and very visible eye bags representative of his state. "I look like any other sorcerer."

"Do you even know what day of the week it is?" Y/N asked as a mug appeared in her hands, full of cinnamon tea, which she handed the sick sorcerer.

"Wednesday?" Stephen winced as he saw her features immediately turn into disapproval.

"Not even close, magic hands," She tutted as she walked over to the blinds, forcing them open and letting the room fill with natural light. "You know for being an ex-doctor you really suck ass at self care."

"I was doing perfectly fine." Stephen glared as she went to his closet, throwing the doors open as she looked for a suitable outfit for him for the day.

"Yes! Exactly!" She told him with fake enthusiasm, sending him a sarcastic smile as she threw him a plain dark red shirt, "Because lying in your bed groaning in pain does wonders for sickness!"

As she walked over to the bed with a pair of dark blue sweats, Stephen sneezed loudly, a cloud of smoke surrounding him.

"The hell?" Y/N's brows furrowed in confusion, as she tried to see through the new addition to the air.

Stephen sneezed again, the air immediately clearing, as he cursed under his breath, running his hands through his frizzled hair, "Firepox."

"I'm going to pretend I know what that means," Y/N giggled as she handed the tired and sick sorcerer his bottoms, making Stephen melt on the inside at her willingness to stick by him.

"I got it from Vanizar, helping the local race there with their inter-dimensional problem," Stephen's thoughts flashing back to a week ago when he visited the alien planet and race.

Stephen groaned as he felt another onslaught coming, going into a coughing fit as orange feathers appeared and covered his body.

"Is that a symptom?"

"Not sure, I believe so but its hard different since I'm not a member of the race," Stephen shrugged as he tried to perform a spell to get rid of the new additions to his body.

Y/N grasped his wrist with her hand, frowning at him, "No magic while sick. You know how badly it can end."

Stephen's mind went to his history lessons, tales of how some masters did spells so drastic while sick that they didn't realize what they were performing and ended up harming themselves more or others in the process.

"You're right, where would I be without you," Stephen laid back in bed with a yawn, not bothering to change into the fresh clothes at least until the feathers disappeared.

"Probably in the afterlife," Y/N joked, arms out as she cast a spell over him, the light overtaking his body as the feathers disappeared as quickly as they appeared.

"Do you know what could make this better?" Stephen did his best to send her a convincing smile.

She smiled back at him, making him blush, "What could?"

"A kiss."

"Mmm, I don't think so flirt," She playfully slapped his arm as a warm rag appeared in her hands for her to wipe his forehead, "Definitely not in that state, I don't want whatever that is."

"It was worth a shot," Stephen lightly chuckled as he leaned into her touch, her simple actions meaning the world to him.

Felt awfully fem today so here's a fem reader 💕

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