A Normal Life (GN Reader)

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Life was never normal, always going on missions, not getting to spend the time you wanted with your friends and husband. Never getting to be at peace, always on call in case some catastrophic event was happening that the world needed saving from. 

They thought you were the weak link. They being the stupid organization Hydra that should honestly just give up already. Seriously who was making their plans? They really needed to be fired.

However, Hydra thinking you to be the weak link of the Avengers led to the situation you were currently in. Captured. Tied up in a chair, your husband definitely wouldn't be too happy about it once Tony tells him, you being tied up was only reserved for the bedroom. Once he is informed no doubt he'll perform a spell to find you in seconds, luckily Hydra is stupid enough to not block magic. 

"Tell us what Nick Fury is planning," A guard spat in your face, as he struck you in the cheek for about the 10th time that day, you definitely would need to buy some concealer. 

"Suck it dickwad," spitting at his face that was still in close proximity to yours.

Another soldier walked up, grabbing the back of the chair you were tied to, "Tell us or we'll make the bonds tighter and you won't be hit as softly."

Smirking at the man, you glanced around the room, only a few more minutes, "Sorry my husband is the only one allowed to tie me up tight."

That smart remark earned you another strike to the face, this time not on your cheek like the others but to your nose. You could feel it break under the sudden impact, you bit back the cry that almost came out, you've been through worse.

"Tell us," the guard raised the butt of his gun to your shoulder.

Mentally preparing yourself for the impact you shifted to be in a position to make the pain less, "Wow, I'm so scared. Just hit me already, maybe this time it won't feel like a child did it."

The butt of the gun hit your shoulder. This time you couldn't hold in the cry that escaped your lips, the pain coursing through your entire body. It was definitely severely injured, hopefully, dislocated but most likely more.

 Holding back the tears you shot your attacker a glare while working on loosening the ties since they were distracted laughing at your pain. Faking a wince at the pain from your shoulder, which was slowly becoming less painful with your attention aimed at escaping soon, you loosened your hands and slipped them out of the ties.

"I'll tell you," whispering to one of the soldiers and meeting his eye, he began to move towards you.

When the man was within striking distance, you put your arms around his neck, hitting the gun out of his hands with your elbow and scooping it up from the floor after throwing the man to the ground.

Aiming the gun at the other soldier, staring him dead in the eye. You could see the fear, not everyone was brave enough to go against an Avenger that was armed. Not everyone was brave enough to face off the one that didn't mind hurting others and was famously known for it.

"Put the gun down," motioning to the ground with your head, "you know I'm quicker hot shot."

Setting the gun on the ground, you walked over to the man, his companion still on the floor, knocking him with the butt of the gun, he slumped to the floor. His head would surely be sore tomorrow if Hydra let him go.

Letting out a sigh, you slumped onto the ground, aiming the barrel of the gun at the door in case anyone walked in. It was better to wait this one out, there was no way in hell you were taking on a Hydra compound alone. Especially when you were only armed with a gun and fighting skills, and no powers of any sort.

Taking the much-needed break to look over your shoulder, you were pained at the sight. It was definitely out of the socket and you did not have the strength to put it back after being tied to a chair for hours and disarming two men. It would have to wait, only a few more minutes of the pain before anyone came to get you.

Where are you? 

Your thoughts were answered. An orange portal with sparks going off in every direction opened in the middle of the room, and a man clad in blue robes and a cape stepped out. He looked around the room worriedly before his eyes landed on you, sadness flashing through them as he took in your injuries.

"Y/N," sighing your name he walked over, helping you up as softly as he could.

A Hydra official burst through the door, aiming his gun at the two of you. 

"Why are you here?" the official yelled at the two of you, at the edge of the portal home.

"I'm their husband, you expect me to just leave them?" Stephen seemed to scoff at the thought that he would just leave you alone while injured.

Welp, there goes Hydra not knowing. You think being a former neurosurgeon would make him a little smarter than average, but apparently, he is just as dumb.

"Well then, you both will die," the Hydra soldier barely held his gun up to your face before it disappeared in his hands, sparks taking up them instead of the weapon.

"No," sassing back the guard you kicked him in the shin making him fall to the floor, "we won't."

Letting Stephen carry a good amount of your weight, you made your way through the portal, arriving at the Avengers medbay where Bruce was waiting. Laying down on the medical table you let Bruce get to work on your shoulder and other injuries as you tried to relax and go over the events in your mind.

It was getting tiring, getting captured all the time and hurt. It seemed to happen almost every mission no matter how much you trained or were prepared for it.

After a couple of hours of cleaning you up Bruce finally gave the okay to go home, tired you let Stephen support most of your weight as you both stepped through the portal into your shared bedroom at the sanctum.

Laying down on the bed you stared at the ceiling thinking about how done you were with your job. Stephen sensed your discontent and sat next to you.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing," snapping at him, tired after the mission.

"Y/N, talk to me," his eyes met yours, pleading for you to tell him.

"I just," trailing off tears started to fill your eyes, letting loose after being pent up all day.

"Love," Stephen carefully brought you into a hug, stroking his hands through your hair, knowing it kept you calm.

"I'm just done Stephen, I want a normal life," your voice cracked as you complained.

Staring at the wall, you tried to calm down, as Stephen thought about what you just told him.

"Just quit. Work at the sanctum with me, we can just go when they call us."

"That's still not normal, Stephen. There are still villains to fight, relics to tend to, training to do."

"You can just be a librarian or something," Stephen flashed you an adorable grin at his suggestion, "you are a book worm after all."

Pushing him off the bed, you laughed at his suggestion, "Says the one that stayed up till four last night reading ancient texts."

Jumping on the bed, Stephen engulfed you in a warm hug, careful to avoid your injuries, "Please you would love to be a librarian, Wong would love to have help."

"Maybe I will," snuggling into Stephen's warm arms, you let sleep start to take you as he stared at you with a smile on his face.

AN: Sorry everyone, I was on a temporary hiatus, I haven't been doing well and needed the break but now I'm back!

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