Chapter 37 - Petty people are everywhere

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Hello, dear readers! Here's chapter 37, the last chapter of the week.

Have a good Weekend and enjoy the read!

PS: The cultivation aspect of this novel is fast approaching. It's already on Patreon, so I can say that with confidence.


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For those interested, I'm also writing a fanfiction in the world of Marvel with a lot of elements from The Knight's Multiverse:

'Ben Parker, a former Special Forces' Team Captain, husband of May Parker and uncle of Peter Parker, with three Perks granted to him by an unknown entity, will have to grow his cultivation along his loved ones and teammates while navigating the Earth, a planet full of interesting but dangerous secrets.


Damovotsk, Molkovia, Earth.

Demian's P.O.V.

In the bathroom, the young man took off all his clothes and observed his body more closely in the mirror. When he saw the result, he did not know whether to laugh or cry, as, despite the increasingly attractive image reflected in the mirror, the bruises marring a big part of his skin were pretty obvious. The only places unscathed were his hands and face. The former because he wore gloves during the fight and the latter because not only did he wear headgear, but Bryn also did not aim at that particular spot.

Shaking his head helplessly, he muttered a few words before going into the shower. "At least the bruises seem to be light. They'll probably be gone by tomorrow..." A few minutes later, the young man exited the bathroom with only a towel covering his lower body and dashed toward his own bedroom to get some clothes. Once there, he quickly put on a pair of underwear, a pair of jeans, a shirt, and one of his new favorite hoodies.

Due to the people around him, the young man found himself loving the color red more and more. Especially Burgundy which was a blend of dark red and purple. It was both Sera's hair color and the color of the hoodie he just put on. 'No coincidence there...' He thought amusedly before joining the girls at the dining table.

After a filling and healthy lunch prepared by his favorite Aunt with the help of his lovely petite cousin, Demian asked. "So, who's driving me there?" Tilting her head at his question, his youngest cousin replied with her own. "Shouldn't we all go together? I mean, if Big Sis brings you, Mom and I will have to stay alone here. And if it's Mom, then she'd have to be alone for a certain amount of time. That sounds like an unnecessary risk to me."

All of them nodded their head at her logical explanation before Adeliya declared. "We'll do that then." Once everyone agreed, they all left for the school where the instructor Savelievich was waiting for them with two other candidates, a man and a woman, both looking around Demian's age.

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