Chapter 17 - A few documents, some money, a gun, and two magazines...

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Damovotsk, Molkovia, Earth.

Demian's P.O.V.

As the 'Ding' noise resounded in the cabin, Demian's muscles tensed up, his body automatically changing his stance from relaxed to combat-ready, his senses boosted by the adrenaline shooting in his nervous system. While the doors were opening, his gaze swiftly roamed the entire room, finding no one there.

The entire corridor was empty but for the two digitally locked doors, one on the side and leading to the stairways, while the other led to their penthouse. Sighing in relief, the tension in his muscles evaporated with the adrenaline, leaving his body in a slight, but fortunately temporary weaker state.

Nonetheless, Demian could not care less about it as his only thought at present was. 'We're safe.' The feel of a small and delicate hand suddenly holding his own pulled him out of his brief distracted state of mind, while a soft voice filled with concern made him focus on her words. "What's wrong, Dem?" Gripping back Sera's hand, a content smile appeared on his face. "Nothing, Sis. Let's go home."

Turning to the other side, he noticed his beautiful Aunt staring at him in a slight daze. Cocking his eyebrow in confusion, he asked. "Aunty? You alright?" "Uh? Yes, I'm fine. I was just thinking about our current situation. Anyway, we should get inside quickly. Let's not tempt fate, if you don't mind."

She replied slightly flustered, clearly not wanting to go into details, which surprised her nephew, the latter not expecting that kind of reaction from her with his clearly innocuous question. 'She's probably still uneasy about those guys and doesn't want to make us even more worried.' Shaking his head inwardly to refocus his mind on the current situation, he nodded and said. "Sure."

As they were talking, their group started walking toward the penthouse's door, before he entered the code, unlocking the door in front of them. Letting the girls in first, he closed the entrance behind him, locking itself automatically. Looking at the two women, he declared. "You can wait for me on the sofa while I go get Bryn's gun. By the way, I think we should all sleep in the living room tonight. Just in case..."

Despite not finishing his thoughts, he could spot the understanding in their eyes. 'In case they break into the apartment, we won't be separated... I don't know if it's the best course of action, but it's the one that makes the most sense to me...' He briefly thought before the girls responded. "I don't mind. The sofa is big enough." "Sure, Dem."

Smiling at them, he replied. "Ok, then." Then went to retrieve the weapon in Bryn's bedroom. As soon as he arrived in the said room, he went to the safe hidden in the wardrobe. After punching the code in, the strongbox became wide open, leaving its content visible to the brown-haired young man.

"A few documents, some money, a gun, and two magazines... Why does it feel so predictable? Whatever, I guess..." He chuckled, before grabbing the gun and the two magazines, closing the hatch right after. Observing the handgun and the magazines in his hand for a few seconds, a smile of satisfaction appeared on his face. "A Glock 19 and two double-stack magazines. Both full. Nice!" He muttered.

'I was never a big fan of guns in my previous life, but I gotta say, I'm glad that Michael insisted on teaching me the basics. At least I know how to operate a Glock.' Pondering for a second as he checked the chamber in case it was loaded, he inwardly added. 'I don't think I should load it now, though. It's a bit too risky. Especially since I'll keep it close to me... Alright, I'll just load it when I need it. It's safer that way.'

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