Chapter 7 - Exploring Mind related training

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[Re-edited: 04/05/2024]

Damovotsk, Molkovia, Earth.

Demian's P.O.V

After twenty minutes of pure bliss, Demian exited the shower, water dripping down from his body, soaking the bath mat. Grabbing the clean towel hanging close by, he swiftly dried his body before putting on one of the smallest bathrobes hanging on the wall. Looking at the bigger ones on his right, he shook his head slightly, thinking about their owner. 'I'm taller than I was in my previous life and I still feel small compared to Bryn.' He pondered, amused. Being suitably clothed, he swiftly exited the bathroom, walking quickly to the stairs leading to the second floor. Noticing his cousin lying on the couch, her hands behind her head in deep thought, he stated. "Sis, I'll put on some clothes and start cooking after." "Sounds good." She responded absentmindedly, her focus clearly on something else.

Not minding her curt answer, the young man climbed up the stairs at a moderate pace, trying to lessen his demand on his body. Thankfully, the previous pain wracking his nervous system had dulled slightly to the point that he only felt some dull ache for every movement he performed. This result surprised the young man slightly, however, he concluded that his Perk was working overtime to boost his attributes and heal him as a consequence. While pondering silently, Demian finally arrived at his bedroom door, opening the latter carefully to avoid waking up his Aunt. While on his way to the wardrobe, he threw a quick glance toward his bed, noticing that the middle-aged woman was still soundly sleeping, a relaxed smile on her face. Grinning subconsciously at the image in front of his eyes, the brown-haired young man briefly thought. 'She must have been really exhausted if she's still sleeping at this hour.'

Shaking his head slightly, he refocused his attention on grabbing a set of casual clothes before leaving as silently as he came in, not forgetting to close the door behind him. As the young man was about to change in the corridor, he realized that he was not wearing anything below his bathrobe. 'Forget it! I'll go change in the bathroom instead.' He inwardly decided before moving into one of the adjacent rooms. After a few painful moments, he was finally wearing normal clothes. With a bathrobe in hand, he walked back downstairs and put it back where he found it before moving toward the kitchen and starting to prepare a hearty meal for his cousin and himself. 'It'll be ready in around half an hour, sis. Do you want me to make some appetizers while you wait?" He asked the blind redhead, the latter still lying on the couch in thought.

His question pulled her out of her daydreaming, prompting her to answer. "No need. I can wait. Plus if I eat too much, I'll get fat. So that's a big no!" Chuckling at her joke, he remarked playfully. "Well, if you become fat, I'll just carry you around. No big deal!" The playful comment made her giggle before she replied. "It's a very tempting proposition, but I doubt you can hold me up, so I'll pass." Putting his hand on his heart, he had a fake hurt expression on his face as he exclaimed. "I know you're right, but did you have to be so blunt? Plus, it won't stay that way for long." His affirmation only brought a doubtful expression on the woman's face who said laconically. "We'll see..." While the two had a light chat, Demian finished preparing the meal. The result was that, thirty minutes later, a piping hot meal was ready and set on the dinner table with the two cousins facing each other, ready to dig in.

"Bon appetit!" Demian declared while observing his older cousin who had such an adorable hungry expression on her face. The petite redhead was sniffing the food's aroma with delight before she started to eat slowly, visibly savoring every mouthful for a few seconds. Feeling satisfied at her reaction, he asked rhetorically. "Is it good?" She froze briefly after she heard the question before nodding repeatedly. "It's delicious! The best you've cooked for me so far." While licking her lips to catch any rebellious sauce still present there, she added. "I'll put the dishes in the dishwasher." Feeling amused at her action, he replied while helping her stack up the dishes. "You're very welcome. And sure. I'll take care of the pans then." It did not take the two long to clean everything and put away what they used to eat their meal.

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